Robert Deen

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Author Robert Deen is a southern expatriate living on the misty Pacific Northwest coast – longing for fresh boiled peanuts. He is a former U.S. Marine officer, parachutist and scuba diver, and a distinguished honor graduate of the Department of Defense Information School. He holds a journalism degree from Oregon State University and a masters degree in Communications from California State University, Chico. Deen founded what became California’s largest independently owned public relations agency, with $15 million in annual revenues. After the firm was acquired by Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide he served there as a managing director. After leaving the corporate world Deen retired to the Oregon Coast, where he writes on a variety of subjects, particularly hunting and fishing.


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In His New Book Author, Robert Deen Asks, “Are You Crazy Enough to Eat a Boiled Peanut?”

More Released on July 8, 2020