
Newly Released ‘Auto Empire’ Tells Most Complete Automotive History

Authors Eric Choi and Richard Choi have released their groundbreaking new book, Auto Empire. This all-new book gives a no-holds-barred look at the auto industry and the various factors that have shaped the automotive industry of today.

The brainchild of two auto industry experts, Auto Empire tells the most complete story of the automotive industry found anywhere in the world. Eric Choi is the top rated auto and tire industry analyst, and Richard Choi is an automotive journalist with The Korea Economic Daily. Together, they blend their takes on the failures and the successes that have taken place throughout the history of automotives to lead to the current auto industry.

Auto Empire offers a timeline of the auto industry that describes the diversity, turmoil, and international reach that has been present since the very first steam-powered carriage. Taking readers through the evolution of acquisitions and mergers that have occurred throughout automotive history, Auto Empire doesn’t leave out anything. Readers learn about the sweatshops, the assembly lines, and the 14 hour work days that cultivated the automotive industry, as well as today’s leading-edge automation and digital innovation.

While providing readers with plenty to think about, Auto Empire also offers more than 100 stunning photographs and infographics to give readers a visual perspective on the automotive industry.

“Eric and Richard Choi have created one of the best masterpieces of the industry…This book is thought provoking, creative, imaginative, and thoroughly researched,” said one recent reader.

According to another reader, “This is book is awesome. The authors have astonishing views over the auto industry. I’d recommend this book for anyone who are interested in cars.”

Both authors are pleased to release their comprehensive history of the automotive industry, which is the first and only book in the world covering the complete stories of the automotive industry. Currently, Auto Empire can be found on Goodreads and Amazon in digital, Kindle, and paperback versions.

About Richard Choi

Richard Choi has been an automotive industry writer and speaker for nearly a decade, and he is currently an automotive journalist with The Korea Economic Daily.

About Eric Choi

Eric Choi is the top ranked auto and tire industry analyst. He has offered presentations and consultations on an international scale, working with organizations such as KOTRA, Bank of Korea, the Korea Automobile Manufacturer Association, and more.

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Name: Eric Choi
Phone: 82-10-7175-8234