After months of getting feedback from the web design and internet marketing community, we finally launched our new and improved social media press release website. While many press release websites are following a template that was created in 2008, PRUnderground decided to create a format based on what designers, business owners and marketers were looking for.
Thanks to all the people that participated in knowing what was needed and gave us feedback on what they were looking for, PRUnderground created one of the fastest, easiest and most powerful social media press releases available today.
They all agreed on a few things. Listed below are what audiences worldwide wanted and we delivered:
- No sign up – A majority of press release companies force you to sign up to use their services. At PRUnderground there is no sign up required.
- Fast and easy submissions – Aside from forcing you to sign up in order to use their services, many press release distributors take you through a lengthy submission process. At PRUnderground we understand simplicity and time. Make it fast and easy was what they wanted. We made it a simple 3 step process.
- Customer Service – Try contacting some of our competitors and see if you can actually speak to a real person. Even better are you able to chat with them or even contact them via Twitter or Facebook? Guess what?…At PRUnderground you can contact us 6 different ways.Need to speak to a real person for tips, advice or help with your social media press release? Call Us, Chat with us, Email Us, Tweet us, Facebook us or just fill out a simple form if you like. At PRUnderground we are always within reach.
- More tools & wider audience – At PRUnderground our press releases are like a one stop social media sharing hub for your brand. Want to go viral with your social media release submission? Now you can Share it, Video, Pictures, Tweet , Facebook, Bookmark, Ping, Short URL, Print, Email, PDF, RSS, Comment, Tag and so much more with our social media press release. That makes for one powerful social media tool that allows you to Interact with your clients and potential prospect in ways that has never before been possible.
- Pricing – As always, PRUnderground is keeping the same pricing structure. We feel that a customer should not have to pay top dollar for a social media press release. compare our prices with the others. We guarantee you will not see any ads other than yours in our press releases. We offer 3 different social media release packages starting at $9.95
“At PRUnderground our goal is simple….Drive traffic to your site and create a buzz about your brand by engaging your audience.”
Feel free to watch our social media release video showing all the features that help make your story a social media conversation. After you watch it and check out our website, feel free to use this 10% discount code PR0219 to create a social media wave of conversation with your story.