
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company Spotlights Two New Juices at the 2017 Summer Fancy Food Show

Clean label, Florida based, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company will introduce a new Fresh Carrot Ginger Turmeric Juice, while featuring one of its most recent and popular juices, Fresh Blood Orange Juice, at this year’s Summer Fancy Food Show being held in New York City from June 25 – June 27th.  Show attendees can sample these juices and learn more about them by stopping by Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Booth, # 1857 on exhibit floor.

“We’re very excited about these two juices and the unique health benefits they bring our customers,” said Marygrace Sexton, the founder and CEO of Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company. “Our new Carrot Ginger Turmeric juice is an authentic source of nutrition. Turmeric continues to surprise researchers with the powerful ways it can improve and maintain a body’s health. It is our priority to provide consumers with nutritionally sound foods at the retail.”

A first of its kind in the fresh juice marketplace, Natalie’s Fresh Carrot Ginger Turmeric Juice contains only 4 ingredients: Carrots, Apples, Ginger and Turmeric. There’s no artificial ingredients, no preservatives, and no concentrates. It is rich in vitamins, fiber and several antioxidants.

For those looking for a new spin on the traditional orange juice, Natalie’s Fresh Blood Orange Juice is handcrafted from the finest, fresh Sicilian blood oranges. Natalie’s Blood Orange Juice is minimally processed, free from preservatives, concentrates and artificial ingredients. With the blood orange’s deep-red flesh that contains anthocyanins, a flavonoid abundant in antioxidants, it has a distinct health edge over other members of the citrus family.

“These juices are a direct response to growing consumer appreciation for minimal ingredient, minimally processed juices,” said Natalie Sexton, the Marketing Director and namesake of Natalie’s Juices. “These two juices are particularly appealing, not only for their fresh taste, but for the unique health benefits they can bring our customers.”

To learn more about Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company’s national awards for quality, taste and nutrition, go to


About Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company

For over 35 years, our purpose-driven journey has been rooted in a commitment to procure and produce only the highest quality ingredients to create our line of exceptional and award-winning juices. A featured juice favorite amongst Good Housekeeping, Bon Appetit, Woman’s Day and Clean Eating Magazine, we are dedicated to creating a world-class product and to providing an uncompromising tasting experience had by all. Natalie’s award-winning line of juices continues expanding its reach coast to coast in the United States, in most major retailers, and globally in over 15 countries.

Natalie’s unprecedented growth has landed the company a multi-year honor of the Inc. 5000 list and leads the juice category as a driving force in innovation while still maintaining its meticulous practice of minimal processing and minimal ingredients to ensure authentic freshness that is both nostalgic and unrivaled. Marygrace Sexton (a recent inductee of the SFA Hall of Fame), continues to lead and inspire the 2nd generation evolution of this woman-owned, family-operated company and creates impact in communities both local and abroad with her charitable efforts, non-profit organizations and unyielding passion for bringing clean-label juices and a source of optimum nourishment to families everywhere. Visit

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