The latest heavy metals analysis by the Health Ranger, editor of Natural News, shows that all liquid iodine supplements tested were remarkably clean of toxic heavy metals including lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.
Products and brands tested include:
– J Crow’s Iodine
– Magnascent Nascent Iodine
– Iodine for Life
– Nascent Iodine from LL Magnetic Clay)
– Atomic Iodine
– Original Nascent Iodine (Health Ranger)
– Lugol’s Iodine
– Atomidine
– Detoxidine (GHC)
– Liquid Iodine Forte
Click here to see full laboratory results.
“These results are great news for the many millions of customers who take supplementary iodine,” said lead researcher Mike Adams. “Our analysis shows that all the brands and lot numbers tested are remarkably low in heavy metals composition, and some are orders of magnitude lower than what we have found in some organic superfood products.”
Concentrations of heavy metals really do matter
This scientific assessment of heavy metals concentrations in iodine supplements lends yet more support to the idea that concentrations matter. When given the choice, nearly all health-conscious consumers seek to minimize their exposure to dietary toxins such as MSG, GMOs, aspartame, BPA, pesticides and heavy metals.
The results published by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab show that popular iodine supplements — which naturally have a very tiny serving size of sometimes just two drops — likely contribute virtually no heavy metals to the diet of a typical consumer.
“These results are as very optimistic and even exciting for regular consumers of iodine supplements,” explained Adams, who runs the atomic spectroscopy laboratory that documented these data. “The highest lead concentration we found was just .063 ppm, and over half the iodine supplements we tested showed less than 10 parts per billion, which we consider to be ‘zero’ for our online results charts.”
Laboratory tests conducted by Adams did not measure actual iodine concentrations of the iodine products listed here. Instead, they sought to determine whether heavy metals were present in significant concentrations in popular iodine products.
Click here to see full laboratory results, including arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum.
DISCLAIMER: The Natural News Store sells Original Nascent Iodine branded by the Health Ranger. Like all products included in this laboratory testing, Original Nascent Iodine was remarkably clean in heavy metals and was subjected to precisely the same laboratory methodology as other samples tested.
Iodine supplement testing confirms value of Natural News Forensic Food Lab
The publication of these test results once again confirm the value of the Natural News Forensic Food Lab and its dedication to serving the public interest with accurate scientific testing of dietary supplements and superfoods.
“The knowledge that concerning levels of heavy metals were absent from every iodine product we tested is very valuable to people who consume these products,” explained Adams. “Although we cannot vouch for the contents of every lot and batch produced by these manufacturers, the consistency of clean lab results shown in our testing is strong evidence that iodine products from these brands are likely to show little or no contamination with heavy metals.”
Adams is careful to caution that iodine itself has a very specific range of safety and efficacy, and that “more is not always better.” Consumers of iodine products are encouraged to work with their holistic health practitioners to determine appropriate doses designed to address their own health goals and challenges.
See more laboratory analysis results for other dietary supplement products at:
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