The holiday season presents families who are gathering together with an excellent opportunity to have “the conversation.” The one no one really wants to have, but everyone needs to have sooner or later. The conversation that starts with: “What are we going do with all this stuff?!”
Whether the older generation plans to move to a new place, or would like to make the home they’re in more appropriate to aging in place, it’s a question that has to be answered.
Moving On: A Practical Guide to Downsizing the Family Home offers helpful suggestions for getting this conversation started in a way that can promote rather than disrupt family harmony, and help families enter the process with upbeat energy rather than dread. It also has tips for getting the process going, and keeping it moving forward with a minimum of stress. The authors offer effective strategies for “keeping the memories, getting rid of the stuff” that professional organizers and senior move managers have said are particularly helpful in getting “the keepers” and “the throwers” to work together to get the job done.
Moving On has been called “a downsizing bible” by Oregon Home, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer said “the best time to read this excellent book is before you need to.” According to authors Hetzer and Hulstrand, the sooner families start, the better and more smoothly the process will go, and “for almost everyone, that means the time to begin is now.”
Which is why this is an excellent book to bring with you in the car, or on the plane, as you head home for the holidays. A new e-book edition released this year has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, USA Today, Huffington Post 50, and at PBS’s Next Avenue. The authors also offer ongoing tips and reflections at their blog: Downsizing the Home: Lessons Learned.
About Downsizing the Home Press
Linda Hetzer and Janet Hulstrand are the authors of Moving On: A Practical Guide to Downsizing the Family Home: the book they wished they could have bought when they were helping their parents move out of family homes into apartments. Originally published as a trade paperback by Stewart, Tabori & Chang, Moving On is now updated and available as an e-book, published by Downsizing the Home Press. Hetzer and Hulstrand also publish a blog, Downsizing the Home: Lessons Learned.