It is of utmost importance that magazines be designed in a way that they emit the complete information and at the same time catches the eye. Same is with the digital magazines. Presenting a whole new way of creating, designing and presenting digital magazines, Mobissue has given immense options to the marketers. The website has recently been updated with the fresh new examples of how the magazines can be designed to give amazing effects through their software. These examples are added to showcase the true impact that can be added to themagazines through their new software.
Mobissues’ magazine maker can be used optimally to provide significantly impactful features to the magazine design. It allows adding the information and communicating it through interactive videos, informative audios, illustrative images, powerful HTML5 animations and much more. All these features are supported flawlessly by the software which also allows their use with maximum ease. The code-free user friendly interface assists everyone to create their own designs in just a few clicks.
Now that the website home page has been updated with a series on new examples to inform users the whole new ways of adding interactive effects through the magazine maker to the digital magazine, the makers have taken a positive step towards easing things down for their clients.
For more information, go to Mobissue’s website
About Mobissue
Headquartered in Hong Kong, Mobissue Software Co. Ltd is the global leader in HTML5 digital publishing software for creating mobile content. Improving on the traditional PDF publishing model, Mobissue has developed a cutting edge interactive HTML5 mobile publishing platform that doesn’t require a single line of coding for developers and publishers. With over 1 million users in over 50 countries, Mobissue is truly a world leader in digital publishing.