
Mike Robinson of GCRC Creates Innovative Cannabinoid Medicine Technology

In the evolving cannabis and hemp markets new buzz works gain our attention daily. The Global Cannabinoid Research Center has announced it’s Trademark on SuperPhymes, a newly created technology and base for hemp product lines. “Combining multiple plant nutrients, minerals, and elements of nature to create a new wave of health in plant medicine was the goal and I believe we achieved that” said founder Mike Robinson.

“By combining some of the most beneficial elements of the hemp plant like CBD and CBG with what comes out of the depths of oceans, and through coupling it with health waterfalls and forests emit, I believe the Research Center will make history with this” stated David Uhualley, Director of Communications. “I’m from Hawaii where we look to nature to solve our healthcare issues, most of us natives don’t trust the Western Medicine methods because of the synthetic nature”.

With the future of healthcare uncertain in our changing times, many are looking for alternative solutions that include nature. “SuperPhymes are a combination of what I call Super Phytonutrients, Super Minerals, and Super Elements” says Robinson “These provide for an opportune outcome that cannabis or hemp extracts all by themselves as good as they are – simply can’t give.”

Known as a 3 time Cancer Survivor Mike Robinson has had his share of bouts with health. “Creating a technology that could someday give the pharmaceutical industry some help was one of my goals with SuperPhymes. There’s a superb amount of efficacy – there’s value in these nutrients and minerals and they’re simply not utilized in their natural and even organically rearranged states. These elments of the earth can heal us – they give our immune system what we need.”

According to 2018 estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) there were 17 million new cases and nearly 10 million cancer deaths per year. “People want alternatives, they look at my own history of battling that beast with plant medicine and want to do the same.” In 2015 Robinson was diagnosed with the return of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma which he had in 2003. Along with that diagnosis came the news of 2 other types of cancer and a bone metastasis injury. “It’s devestating to be diagnosed with any serious health issue, most think about that daily now with COVID. It’s just scary to be told you have Cancer.”

“This new creation of Mike’s includes a charge of ionic health” stated research analyst Sarah Schwefel of Las Vegas who works with Robinson, “there’s chemical reactions when we’re exposed to negative ions in nature that have to do with our bodily tissue and even DNA according to research, we look at more than just the cannabis or hemp plant as the Endocannabinoid system is vital in our bodies and needs multiple elements of nature.”

Leading his team into the next phase of modern medicine, Robinson has serious plans for the future of the Global Cannabinoid Research Center. “We’ve developed this technology to fuel multiple types of nutraceuticals that are emerging in the market. We’ve done the Research and Development and feel confident that SuperPhymes will be a valued asset in that marries Hemp and Natural Medicine to Modern Healthcare.”

He went on to state “There needs to be a systematic change in healthcare in America. We’re digging deep and I mean that literally – as it’s into the earth – and finding solutions to health issues that seemed to have no answer but dangerous treatmeent options. Beating cancer and using nature doing it gave me insight that I don’t believe others may have.”

FDA Disclaimer: The statements regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. The information is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. The news site hosting this press release is not associated with The Global Cannabinoid Research Center (GCRC), Mike Robinson, or SuperPhymes. It is merely re-publishing a press release announcement submitted by a company, without any stated or implied endorsement of the company, information, product or service.

About Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Genevieve’s Dream, Inc.

Changing the face of healthcare and educating clinicians on the Endocannabinoid System are two primary goals of the Global Cannabinoid Research Center. Founded by Mike Robinson in 2018, we’re expanding quickly and planning a very busy 2021 with multiple projects ahead to further cannabinoid and other plant medicine.

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Name: Mike Robinson
Phone: (805)617-9539