Mighty Tykes

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MightyTykes™ Lands First International Reseller and Wal-Mart.com

Industry: Family & pets

Mompreneur start-up MightyTykes™ is starting 2016 off strong having landed its first international reseller as well as leading online retailer wal-mart.com in December.

Berkeley Springs, WV (PRUnderground) February 4th, 2016

Mompreneur start-up MightyTykes is starting 2016 off strong having landed its first international reseller as well as leading online retailer wal-mart.com in December.

Going live on wal-mart.com is the result of several months of a complex vetting process MightyTykes has undergone with the mega-retailer. At this point, sales will be exclusively through Wal-mart.com’s online presence and not yet in their retail stores.

“It’s been fascinating and challenging as a small business working through a very complicated process to become a wal-mart.com vendor,” explained founding President Isabella Yosuico.  “We’ve jumped through a lot of intimidating hoops and it’s been an amazing experience to get to the other side.”

Yosuico invites other small business people to contact her through mightytykes.com for tips, encouragement and perspective on working through the process. “It can be an intimidating experience, and as a fellow mompreneur, I’d like to be able to help others through it if possible,” she said.

Placing MightyTykes’ largest order yet in January, Explore Your Senses is a special needs product company based in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. The company sells a wide range of products specifically designed to helps children and adults with sensory processing disorder common to autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and many other diagnoses. They also offer products for  typically developing kids. MightyTykes Infant & Child Weights are widely employed to help with sensory and other issues here in the U.S. and are also used for general fitness.

MightyTykes connected with Explore Your Senses through a Commercial Market Research (CMR) project undertaken by the U.S. Commercial Service of the United States Embassy in London, England with the support of the U.S. Export Assistance Center located in Wheeling, West Virginia.  MightyTykes is talking to other international reseller prospects in Europe and Asia, supported by staff at the West Virginia Development Office.

“We are grateful and thrilled to be expanding our sales channels, and in turn, helping more and more kids worldwide and right here at home,” Yosuico concluded.

MightyTykes was founded in 2014 with the help of an economic development loan from the Innova Foundation of the West Virginia High Technology Consortium.  Mompreneur Isabella Yosuico originally invented MightyTykes to treat her own son’s low muscle tone, soon learning they filled a range of unmet needs. Made in the USA, MightyTykes Infant & Child Weights are low-profile, lightweight, waterproof, latex- and lead-free and smaller than what’s commonly available are widely used by parents, caregivers, therapists and some of the nation’s leading hospitals to treat a range of conditions and are also increasingly used by seniors. With a steady increase in sales and a compelling backstory, MightyTykes was singled out by West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin in the 2015 State of the State address, and their story was featured in the July issue of Guideposts  magazine, among extensive other media coverage.

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