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Meteorologist Paul Douglas & Environmentally-Concerned Minnesotans Develop Hollywood Movie Project

Industry: Entertainment & Games

New Hollywood science fiction movie in development features worst-case environmental catastrophe involving global warming (climate change) and extinction of species.

Minneapolis, Minnesota (PRUnderground) February 3rd, 2017

A worst-case environmental catastrophe involving global warming and the extinction of species forms the basis of ARK, a science fiction survival thriller movie currently in development by a group of Minnesotans concerned about climate change and environmental issues.

Hollywood producer and Minnesota native Anne Marie Gillen is developing the film version of the book Project Ark: Awaken from Extinction (Sequoia Press 2016).

Gillen has produced such films as Academy-Award nominated Fried Green Tomatoes starring Jessica Tandy, Under Suspicion starring Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman, and Into Temptation directed and written by Minnesotan Patrick Coyle and starring Jeremy Sisto and Kristin Chenoweth.  Her next film is Oceanus: Odyssey One by writer/director and Minnesotan Jeffrey Morris, Founder of FutureDude Entertainment.( )

The book Project Ark is co-authored by Minnesota entrepreneur and conservationist John MacDonald and Lee E. Frelich, Director of the University of Minnesota Center for Forest Ecology.

World renown Minnesota meteorologist Paul Douglas (, co-author of Caring for Creation, the Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment wrote the Foreword to the book and is an advisor to the film.

ARK is a high-action story that takes place nearly a century into the future. Many scientific experts and futurists were consulted to help shape the story line, which is based on hard science possibilities. The story features similar hard science principles that are used in the story to try to restore the planet back to health.

The story centers around a massive geo-engineering project that can best be described as the intentional large-scale manipulation of the earth’s atmosphere to counter the effects of global warming.

The book Project Ark is available on in print and eBook format, and more information about the book and the film can be found at

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