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Med-Challenger Releases Course and Question Editing Platform

Industry: Education

Med-Challenger’s cloud-based authoring tools make it easy to create and curate courses and curricula for schools and organizations.

Memphis, TN (PRUnderground) September 19th, 2019

Med-Challenger announced the release of new authoring tools allowing schools and training organizations to create courses and tests for its medical education platform.

Med-Challenger has introduced new custom authoring tools that allow customers to create their own stand-alone courses, as well as mix and merge the customer’s content with Challenger’s own courses.  The new authoring tools allow schools, residencies, and other health care organizations tasked with training and assessment to create their own curricula, curate and organize learning content created by their organization, and enhance pre-built courses with their own proprietary content, including audio, video, and imagery.

Challenger has built a reputation in the medical community for delivering computer-based learning and assessment material since 1991.  

“Facilitating collaborative online learning has long been a goal of Challenger,” said Bob Sweeney, Executive Director of Challenger.  “We know from the experience of maintaining over 60,000 pages of constantly changing education material just what a burden content creation and curation can put on an organization.”

The authoring tools are offered at no additional charge to medical program faculty and administrators.  Rapid change in certification environments, curricula in medical and nursing schools, and expansion of online and blended learning programs is increasing the need for effective asynchronous education platforms, as well as provable measurements of health care masteries.

“In many advanced medical certifications, enrollments in online or blended learning programs now exceed enrollments at traditional higher education environments.  Med-Challenger is excited to be bringing its extensive experience and tools for curation and creation of content to these organizations,” said Robert V. Anderson, CEO of Challenger Corporation.

About Challenger Corporation

Challenger Corporation is a provider of medical education, review and assessment tools for physicians, physician assistants, and nursing professions, including leading residencies, nursing schools, and medical schools world-wide.

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