Med-Challenger offers a complete Pediatrics learning package, designed with comprehension and retention in mind. At its core is an easy-to-use, expertly written, frequently updated question bank that covers everything required for the current ABP certification examination and MOC examination.
The program itself is intelligent and adaptive, actively identifying areas where a learner appears to struggle and targeting those areas with relevant questions, as well as detailed answer explanations. Med-Challenger’s ABP Board Review offers 167 AMA PRA Category 1, 167 ABP MOC Part II, and 167 AAP CME credits.
Our updated and revised topics for 2021 include:
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Cardiomyopathies
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Neurologic Disorders
- Cerebrovascular Disease
- Blood and Neoplastic Disorders
- Leukocyte Disorders
- Infectious Diseases
- Soft Tissue Infections
- Adolescent Medicine and Gynecology
- Male Pubertal Development
- Respiratory Disorders
- Extrapulmonary/Heart Failure
- Sleep Apnea/Respiratory Diagnostic Testing
- Lower Airway
- Upper Airway
Med-Challenger’s Pediatrics Online Board Review offers lifetime support, with certification and recertification in mind. See more at:
About Challenger Corporation
Challenger Corporation is a provider of medical education, review and assessment tools for physicians, physician assistants, and nursing professions, including leading residencies, nursing schools, and medical schools world-wide.