ContentVia, a marketing outsourcing agency based in Columbus, Ohio, has introduced an online advertising solution that targets based on physical mailing address. Household targeted internet advertising (HTIA) utilizes more than 30 data points to match an exact address and individual to an IP address. For candidates and issues in the November 2014 elections, ContentVia’s advertising solution provides an unmatched opportunitiy to reach only the voters they are targeting.
Household Targeted Internet Advertising works by using geo-location technology to produce a highly accurate customer profile. HTIA do not use cookies or census block geo-location. The proprietary HTIA technology maps IP addresses to physical addresses with up to 95% accuracy. ContentVia’s clients are able to place advertisements directly on an individual computer by utilizing only a home or business address.
Regarding houshold targeted internet advertising, ContentVia President Ryan McManus said, “It’s August and we are already seeing an increase in television commercials and campaign ads, but candidates may be missing their intended audience and spending precious campaign dollars advertising to the wrong voters, or non-voters all together. If candidates want an edge and want to leverage technology to win in November, they need to start now and our household targeted internet advertising is the winning solution.”
ContentVia gives political campaigns access to over 30 billion ad impressios per day from over 1 million sites. HTIA provides greater accuracy, less waste, and a higher ROI than alternative online, display, and search engine advertising. Ads are displayed on the most popular websites like Facebook, ESPN, MSNBC, and Fox News. For any business or campaign using direct mail, household targeted internet advertising can greatly improve your response rates and engagement.
ContentVia is based at The Columbus Idea Foundry in Franklinton and provides marketing solutions for startups, enterprises, and campaigns. Learn more about HTIA at Campaigns interested in learning more about this solution should contact ContentVia President, Ryan McManus, by emailing
About ContentVia
ContentVia is a marketing agency that works with entrepreneurs, startups, and regular companies to launch new products and services. We love hardware and technology. ContentVia is based at the Columbus Idea Foundry in Columbus, Ohio. The digital creative team at ContentVia blends strategy and inspiration to create dynamic marketing programs. We provide a complete marketing team for less than a cost of an FTE to give your startup the skills and experience you need to make your startup succeed.
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