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Market Mommy® Launches Eighth Annual Holiday Gift Guide in an Effort to #SupportMoms

Industry: Advertising & Marketing

Shop Small, Mom-Owned Businesses this Holiday Season and Help Support Families

Ohio (PRUnderground) October 10th, 2016

Market Mommy® is a strong supporter of small, mom-owned businesses. That’s why they are encouraging everyone to #supportmoms and buy from mom entrepreneurs this holiday season.

In that spirit, they’ve launched the eighth annual Holiday Gift Guide at Market Mommy®. When someone shops small, they are supporting moms, dads and families in their communities. This year’s guide features categories such as; For Baby, For Her, Holiday Cards, For Kids and For Mompreneurs. The businesses featured offer something for almost everyone on your holiday shopping list.

Market Mommy® recognizes that it isn’t easy to balance a family and grow a business at the same time. That is why the site is dedicated to supporting mom entrepreneurs in any way possible. Millions of dollars are spent during the holiday season and Market Mommy® wants to push as many of these dollars as possible toward small businesses; specifically toward those that are mom-owned.

This year’s guide will feature a fun, mom’s night out Twitter party on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 9 p.m. EST. Sponsors will be highlighted and a lot of great prizes will be given away. There will also be some great advice about how to de-stress the holidays this year. RSVP and be registered for prizes by clicking here.

This year’s Platinum Sponsors include Beads-N-Style and The Boy’s Store.  The guide is live now through January, 2017.

About Market Mommy®

Market Mommy® is an online marketing resource for mom business owners that shows moms how and where to market their businesses. Market Mommy® offers a variety of low-cost {and free!} services to help moms on a budget. Services include marketing consultation, copywriting, graphic design, printing of marketing materials and much more.

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