In today’s world, it’s rare to find positive and engaging stories that simultaneously expose readers to sensitive topics like race, class, and social barriers and biases.
The Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC), a nonprofit organization with offices based in Rutledge, Missouri and Louisa, Virginia, has produced Communities magazine for the past 25 years, exploring the joys and challenges of navigating such issues together in cooperative groups.
The Spring 2018 edition of Communities, released on March 7, focuses on “Class, Race, and Privilege,” and contains more than 20 articles which look unflinchingly at a major “elephant in the room”—the relative lack of racial and class diversity in most intentional communities, at least in North America—while suggesting ways of understanding and addressing it.
For those who are unaware, intentional communities are essentially planned developments with a purpose, with members who share common social, economic, philosophical, or political interests. These communities come in a variety of forms, including cohousing, ecovillages, cooperative houses, and communes.
The magazine issue’s relevance extends far beyond intentional communities, which serve as microcosms for dealing with these core social concerns.
In order to facilitate wider distribution and readership of this issue, the FIC is offering digital copies of issue #178 for free download from —
This issue has been formatted to be compatible with every electronic device. The FIC is soliciting donations to support this offering, but not as a condition of digital issue download.
Authors share stories of obstacles they’ve encountered (from both sides of the privilege equation) and positive steps they and their groups have taken to move toward greater inclusivity and equity. They also reflect honestly on the deep-rootedness of unconscious racism, of social and cultural barriers, of problems of power, privilege, classism, “white fragility,” and more.
The FIC is funded by members, donors, and subscribers, and it also offers the public an online community bookstore with hundreds of low-cost and free resources, and a directory for searching for and locating intentional communities across the globe.
To learn more about the Fellowship for Intentional Community visit or
FIC Contact:
Sky Blue, Executive Director, (800) 462-8240
23 Dancing Rabbit Lane
Rutledge, MO 63563
About Foundation for Intentional Community
The Foundation for Intentional Community supports the development of intentional communities as pathways towards a more sustainable and just world.
For 30 years, we have served as the leading resource for people starting and finding intentional communities. Our website – – lists 1,052 communities, features Communities Magazine, a robust Bookstore, and other resources.