
LOVE NOTES FROM HELL: Roy Nelson on the truth about addiction and what to do about it

LOVE NOTES FROM HELL, Stories of Hopeless Addiction, Obsession & Freedom, by Roy Nelson

“An honest, heartfelt true story that captures the solitude and pain of anyone living with addiction. It also proves validation and hope for a way out of the struggle…Roy has proved that life is worth living!”

Ann R. Meyer, MD, Asst. Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine

Roy Nelson is the last resort for those who cannot stop their self-destructive habits.  In LOVE NOTES FROM HELL, [Roy Nelson Enterprises, 2014, $12.38 pb, $4.99 Kindle) Roy shares his refreshingly honest and unique perspective about the addictive personality and what actually causes a person with an addiction to self-destruct. Roy shares how to overcome addictions, obsessions and eating disorders, no matter how stubbornly entrenched, by using his unique Nelson Method, a recognized leading healing process for those who have been unable to stop their addictions by any other means.

Everyone has vices, negative habits that we turn to when life gets stressful and we need quick relief. Some people take these vices to the extreme and become addicted. Instead of using healthy means to address the stressors of life, we repeatedly turn to easily accessible and fast-acting panaceas, such as addictions. Whether it’s food, sex, alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping or some other activity or substance, addictions cause untold suffering and pain.

According to Roy, an addiction is simply “the snowflake on the tip of the iceberg”. Addictions are a symptom of emotional pain and disconnection from one’s spiritual self. They are simply masks for the underlying causes that plague us. Most programs that purport to help someone overcome an addiction don’t delve deep enough to heal the actual problem. They too often focus on the addiction itself, rather than how the addiction manifested in the first place.

Someone who is destroying his or her own life suffers from a soul sickness that will not be healed simply by removing the addictive substance or activity. To achieve true and lasting freedom from addiction, addicts have to come face to face with these hidden issues.

The good news is that there is a way to break free from this debilitating state. No matter the addiction, obsession or disorder – total freedom and healing is possible.

LOVE NOTES FROM HELL introduces The Nelson Method, a comprehensive five-part formula to create an immersive experience that helps people confront and overcome the root causes of their addictions and obsessions. Roy shows readers how the spiritual principles contained in the Nelson Method can produce extraordinary transformation and free addicts from their own personal hell.

In addition, LOVE NOTES FROM HELL addresses many key topics about the nature of addiction and overcoming it, including:

The Problem of Fear: Fear, not money, is the root of all evil. Fear drives our perceptions, decisions, and behaviors, which in turn generate more fear. This fuels the need for relief from various substances and activities that we end up using addictively.

The PEP Check. This simple, three-point checklist will show you how to come to grips with the real causes of addiction lurking in your subconscious.

The Willpower Myth. Why willpower is not sufficient to break an addiction—and what you should do instead of counting on willpower.

The Importance of Self-Care: The importance of taking good care of ourselves. We need to respect our own boundaries of stress and time. When we start treating ourselves like someone we love and adore, it is amazing how our lives and relationships with others effortlessly reflect this back upon us.

“Hell is a state of consciousness,” says Roy. “And so is freedom. As your consciousness breaks free from the bonds of addiction, lifted up by your quest for spiritual healing, all the circumstances of your life will change for the better. If you take action, you will get results. The more results you get, the more awe inspired you will be, and the more love and light you will have to share with this world.”

LOVE NOTES FROM HELL offers those who suffer the opportunity to overcome their addictions and begin the transformative journey, which empowers them to become all they ever hoped to be—and more.

About the Author

Roy is known as “the last resort” for those who cannot stop their self-destructive habits.  Living with a violent, alcoholic father drove him to pursue a life of distraction by any means possible – until he conceded that his self-imposed hell was killing him.  It was then that he had a profound experience that changed everything.  Over thirty-five years ago Roy “cracked the code” of his own addictive personality. As a result, he lost 120 pounds and overcame a myriad of addictions, as well as depression, panic attacks, and phobias. Based on his personal experience of total freedom, Roy developed The Nelson Method—a plan of spiritual healing that is designed to help people heal from their own personal hell, even when all other approaches have failed.

His website is .

About Roy Nelson

Roy Nelson is the last resort for those who cannot stop their self-destructive habits. In LOVE NOTES FROM HELL, [Roy Nelson Enterprises, 2014, $12.38 pb, $4.99 Kindle) Roy shares his refreshingly honest and unique perspective about the addictive personality and what actually causes a person with an addiction to self-destruct. Roy shares how to overcome addictions, obsessions and eating disorders, no matter how stubbornly entrenched, by using his unique Nelson Method, a recognized leading healing process for those who have been unable to stop their addictions by any other means.

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