
Like Mole Valley Farmers on Facebook today

We at Mole Valley Farmers pride ourselves on customer service and our ability to keep any current or prospective customers updated with important information regarding our products and special offers. That is why we consider our Facebook page a vital tool in helping us to connect with our customers.

Whether you have a query about our products such as fencing supplies, need to find out the latest news and events surrounding Mole Valley Farmers or simply wish to interact with fellow customers, we believe Facebook is the ideal platform through which to do so.

With over 5,500 likes of our page – a figure growing by the day – thousands of our customers can share our sensational offers with their friends at the touch of a button on their mobile devices. Our online community is, we believe, an important part of our business and something that can benefit both us and our customers as we continue to grow.

For more information on the type of farming equipment we offer or any of our other products, visit our in depth and insightful website, which will have all the answers you need. Like us on Facebook today and embrace our customer-friendly values and sensational deals.

About Mole Valley Farmers

Mole Valley Farmers was started in 1960 by a small group of farmers around South Molton who were concerned by the discriminatory practices and the large margins being taken by many of their input suppliers. From the outset it was decided to treat all members equally, subject only to quantity allowance and that the Company would operate on the minimum margin to allow continuity and growth. Today it remains one of a few true co-operatives in the supply industry.

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Name: Mole Valley Farmers
Phone: 0844 272 6260