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Life Settlement Pioneer Launches PolicyAppraisal.com for Financial Advisors

Industry: Financial Services

PolicyAppraisal.com uses custom algorithms to determine secondary market value of life insurance policies.

Atlanta, GA (PRUnderground) December 1st, 2020

Life insurance settlement industry pioneer Wm. Scott Page recently announced the launch of PolicyAppraisal.com, a website that uses custom algorithms to enable financial advisors and life insurance agents to determine the existing value of life insurance policies. Using its proprietary software know as Value Finder™, PolicyAppraisal.com’s team uses analytics to quickly identify if a policy can be sold on the secondary market. Value Finder streamlined the appraisal process to provide a quick “yes” or “no” answer regarding the viability of a life settlement. Today, many financial advisors are bogged down when trying to get simple answers from many life settlement brokers.

Each member of the executive team at PolicyAppraisal.com has more than 25 years of experience working within the life insurance settlement industry. Page, the organization’s founder, is a pioneer of the life settlement industry and has unmatched experience, knowledge, and funding relationships within the secondary market.

“We have dramatically overhauled the process of determining the value of a life insurance policy,” said Page. “Using new technology, industry experience with underwriting medical impairments, and knowledge of institutional buying patterns and return targets, we have created a system that accurately evaluates key data points and quickly creates a realistic appraisal.”

The team at PolicyAppraisal.com educates financial advisors about the value of life insurance as an asset that is worth more than its cash value – and more than its intangible value as a financial safety net.

“In a timely manner, we can provide an appraisal that will help agents and advisers offer reliable options to their clients,” said Page “We offer this without an agent having to contact a broker.”

Life insurance is an integral part of any financial plan, however, most industry professionals are kept in the dark regarding the real value of an existing life insurance policy. Restrictive carrier contracts and a convoluted broker market inhibit life settlement transactions. Over the past 25 years, executives from PolicyAppraisal.com have assisted in thousands of transactions and put millions of dollars in the hands of insurance owners from policies that would have otherwise lapsed. Life insurance policy appraisals are invaluable tools for anyone advising seniors about their long-term financial plans.

The company recently launched its website, including a text messaging option to help agents get questions answered very quickly.

“Agents who are concerned about privacy or asking questions through their broker-dealer can learn about policy appraisals by sending an anonymous text message to us, which will go directly to the mobile phone of one of our experts,” said Page. “Texts can be sent at any time (day or night), and we will respond quickly with a thorough answer.”

About Policy Appraisal

More information is available by visiting www.PolicyAppraisal.com, calling (800) 286-3738, or sending a text through the website.

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