
Legal Medical Consulting Explains Why Expert Witnesses in Forensics Are Crucial In New Article Series

Award-winning legal medical expert Dr. McNew has considerable experience as a clinical and healthcare executive working specialist. He runs a consulting service, the Legal Medical Consulting Services, in Dallas, Texas, comprising a team of highly professional medical expert witnesses. The company has recently launched a new series of articles on the importance of an expert witness in forensics.

A specialist testimonial witness is a skilled person who possesses relevant scientific and technical knowledge, experience, training, and education. The expert witness expresses this knowledge in the form of an opinion. The judge or jury can understand the evidence and decide a fact, employing an expert witness. According to the owner, “our medical legal experts can dissect the case technicalities, medical intricacies, and scientific terminology so that the judge and jury can understand medical terms without any prior training.”

All comments, statements, or reports from experienced witnesses at Legal Medical Consulting are credible, objective, impartial and legitimate. They work with medical malpractice diagnosis legal teams to deal with wrong-site operations and treatment, obstetrics, medicinal products, and monitoring problems. The most recent articles on the Legal Medical Consulting blog page are about the importance of these witnesses in forensic medical cases. A forensic expert collects background data from facts concerning forensics, such as DNA samples, fingerprints, etc. Moreover, he also monitors laboratory tests to ensure accurate results by scientists.

All the results are verified to give an impartial statement. An expert forensics witness performs independent tests and observations and prepares testimonies to assist the courts in resolving the case. Legal Medical Consulting, Dallas, TX, has longstanding experience as a medical expert and forensic witnesses. Lawyers recruit them to analyze evidence and data that justifiably supports the argument.

There are several benefits of hiring these specialists. First, they have ample knowledge and extensive experience in both civil and criminal cases. They carry out all ballistic and blood splatter investigations. An expert witness in forensics also leads DNA profiling, in addition to fingerprint analysis. It is part of many criminal and judicial inquiries identifying an unidentified person who participates in the crime. Since fingerprints remain recognized as a single piece of evidence, these experts collect, examine, and verify the data using various methods.

During the court trial, forensic expert witnesses gather, save, and analyze scientific evidence. The expert may visit the crime scene to collect evidence and conduct laboratory research. Attorneys hire them to gather information and present forensic expert testimony. Whether the testimony benefits the plaintiff or the defendant is debatable. Legal Medical Consulting in Dallas, Texas, on the other hand, has expert witnesses who prepare unbiased testimony without favoring either the plaintiff or the defendant. As a result, their credibility and reputation as expert witnesses are enhanced.

About Legal Medical Consulting

With over 33 years of knowledge, experience, and successful outcomes, Legal Medical Consulting bridges the worlds of law, healthcare operations, nursing, and medicine for lawyers to support their case in the litigation process. Using their knowledge and expertise, the company helps identify, synthesize, integrate, interpret, and communicate pertinent medical record and healthcare operations information that has a direct bearing on a client’s case.

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Name: Dr. Rusty McNew
Phone: (972) 236-7474