Legal Medical Consulting is a medical consulting company that uses its information, expertise, and experience to go through a patient’s medical record and healthcare operation information to give expert testimony for lawyers to support their cases.
A medical expert witness is a competent person who has vast experience and knowledge regarding typical medical practice and healthcare operation standards. They can compare the medical procedure with the standard ones and tell if standards were breached or neglected. They go through all the facts that might prove medical malpractice, such as the victim’s medical records, the background of the hospital, the background of the medical staff. Medical-legal evaluation is the process by which the expert witness examines the injury and tells its true cause. They give an evaluation report which tells whether the accused was responsible for the injury of the patient. The results of evaluation become a vital factor for the judge to make an unbiased and just decision. Usually, the judge orders a qualified medical-legal evaluations specialist to perform all the necessary diagnostic tests and generally determine the victim’s current health. The evaluator determines the extent of the victim’s injuries. They also determine whether injuries were caused by the accused or not. They also inform the jury whether the patient will need more medical procedures or will the victim fully recover or not. In addition to the evaluation report, the medical experts also provide medical expert testimony in court. The testimony may be verbal or written. According to the law, the jury cannot conclude the case without an evaluation report or testimony. This is because the jury may not have a good understanding of the different medical procedures. Only after the jury has all information do they further investigate the case and judge based on the medical expert testimony. The court may dismiss the case or conclude it early without the testimony.
Other than malpractice cases, legal medical evaluations are necessary and ordered for health insurance purposes. Evaluation along with expert testimony is also important for a lawsuit. When workers file to claim compensation from their employer the judge may order a legal medical evaluation. This helps the judge to determine the amount of payment for the compensation needed. In many lawsuits, the evaluation may also prove that the plaintiff’s health condition is directly or indirectly related to the employer’s negligence or mistake. Other than compensation cases, the evaluation is also important for personal injury cases such as in a car accident case. The evaluation may also be needed as a requirement for a job. This confirms whether the employee has proper health for the job or not.
Legal Medical Consulting was formed for the sole purpose of providing the court with unbiased, accurate, impartial, and evidence-based testimony. They provide medical malpractice expert witness in Dallas TX. Their expert witnesses are professional individuals that make sure that their evaluations are correct and their testimony is in plain English so that the jury can fully grasp all the information provided.
According to Dr. McNew, “Legal medical consultants provide lawyers with the reliable certainty to measure the potential for litigation of your medical malpractice claims.”
About Legal Medical Consulting
With over 33 years of knowledge, experience, and successful outcomes, Legal Medical Consulting bridges the worlds of law, healthcare operations, nursing, and medicine for lawyers to support their case in the litigation process. Using their knowledge and expertise, the company helps identify, synthesize, integrate, interpret, and communicate pertinent medical record and healthcare operations information that has a direct bearing on a client’s case.