
Leadership Expert Jennifer Campbell to Appear on Online Show/Podcast with Ken Foster

For leaders who want to maximize results and their return on investment, going beyond “old-school” methods and thinking is necessary in today’s age. Jennifer Campbell is at the forefront of shifting the leadership paradigm by helping leaders, from socially conscious community organizations to multinational corporations, to be more effective. She uses radical methods that are not taught in business school but are proven to work. To introduce these concepts, she will be sharing her story, her ideas, and much more with host Ken Foster on the acclaimed online show and podcast “Voices of Courage” live on Facebook on August 30, 2018 at 10:30 PST, followed by a September 2nd broadcast in San Diego and then September 5th onward across the United States. Listeners are sure to get valuable, actionable insight from Campbell’s deep understanding of organizational change and leadership.

In reality, most organizations and the leaders in them are exhausted from chasing one ineffective solution after the other,” commented Campbell. “It is a constant battle: fighting symptoms and never getting to the root of why change initiatives aren’t working. If you think you can learn this in business school, you could be wrong. But over the last two decades, I have worked out a way around this very real problem.”

Campbell is the founder and lead practitioner of her signature three-step methodology, which she will undoubtedly discuss on “Voices of Courage.” This dependable methodology is called Systemic Leadership Mastery. It addresses her all-important perspective for any leader and helps them to perfect their role, while removing unreliable one size fits all solutions that address symptoms and not causes. She receives a great deal of positive feedback for her work.

For more information on Jennifer Campbell and her visionary work as a leadership and change expert, be sure to visit

Voices of Courage” is founded and hosted by Ken D. Foster who has been described as a, “philosopher, visionary, author, and syndicated radio show host who delivers high energy messages that empower audiences to live courageously, tune into their brilliance, and maximize potential.” Foster has over 23 years of experience coaching and mentoring business professionals to the highest levels of success.

About Jennifer Campbell

Most leaders were trained to treat their organizations like machines. This is how they lead. As a consequence, they experience a loss of purpose, innovation, and engagement in their organizations. New strategies and change projects fail.

In her programs, Jennifer invites leaders to see and work with their organizations as living human systems. She helps them to get back to focusing on the most important driving forces of their organizations and their people to sustainably change, grow, and transform. You won\’t get this with any other traditionally trained change expert. Learn more about what she offers in a video describing her services here:

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Name: Jennifer Campbell
Phone: +31 850 020 090