
Latent HBV Can Still Cause Liver Disease; CBCD Reviews the Medical Evidence

“Infected with hepatitis B (HBV)? The CBCD recommends Novirin or Gene-Eden-VIR.” – Greg Bennett, CBCD

Carriers of latent HBV can still develop liver damage and infect others. According to Dr. Son Do, many people infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) are “surprised to hear that ‘carriers’ can still get liver disease from chronic hepatitis B.” (1) Dr. Do was the chairman for the board of directors for the Vietnamese American Medical Association. The CBCD explains the term, “carrier.” (1) A carrier is an individual who is infected with the latent HBV. Latency is a phase when the virus can still cause disease, but does not cause recognizable symptoms. This is why the latent HBV is sometimes called a “silent killer.” Thus, a person may be a carrier of the latent HBV, may have no symptoms, and may still develop liver disease. The CBCD recommends that individuals with an HBV infection take Novirin or Gene-Eden-VIR.

Click to learn more about HBV symptoms.

The formula of Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR was tested by Hanan Polansky and Edan Itzkovitz from the CBCD in two clinical studies that followed FDA guidelines. The studies showed that the Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR formula is effective against the herpes simplex virus, and other viruses. The clinical studies were published in the peer reviewed, medical journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy, the first, in a special edition on Advances in Antiviral Drugs.  Study authors wrote that, “individuals infected with the (hepatitis virus) … reported a safe decrease in their symptoms following treatment with Gene-Eden-VIR.” (2)  The study authors also wrote that, “we observed a statistically significant decrease in the severity, duration, and frequency of symptoms.” (2)

Both products can be ordered online on the Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR websites.

Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR are natural antiviral dietary supplements. Their formula contains five natural ingredients: Selenium, Camellia Sinesis Extract, Quercetin, Cinnamomum Extract, and Licorice Extract. The first ingredient is a trace element, and the other four are plant extracts. Each ingredient and its dose was chosen through a scientific approach. Scientists at polyDNA, the company that invented and patented the formula, scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals, and identified the safest and most effective natural ingredients against latent viruses. To date, Novirin and Gene-Eden-VIR are the only natural antiviral products on the market with published clinical studies that support their claims.

Dr. Feng-Qu and colleagues wrote in a study that “patients with HBV-acute-on-chronic liver failure (HBV-ACLF) have high mortality (death rate) and frequently require liver transplantation … characteristic features of HBV (liver disease) include rapid disease progression and a high incidence (50-90%) of short and medium term mortality.” (3) Dr. Feng-Qu and colleagues are from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, China.

The symptoms of HBV liver disease include: “tiredness and weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, feeling sick, very itchy skin, tenderness or pain around the liver, swelling of the abdomen, (and) swelling of the ankles.” (3)

“Hepatitis B is spread when blood, semen, or other body fluid infected with the Hepatitis B virus enters the body of a person who is not infected. People can become infected with the virus during activities such as: Birth (spread from an infected mother to her baby during birth), sex with an infected partner, sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment, sharing items such as razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, direct contact with the blood or open sores of an infected person, and exposure to blood from needlesticks or other sharp instruments.” (4)

In many cases, there may not be any symptoms to let an individual know that he or she is infected. When symptoms do occur, they “appear 90 days (or 3 months) after exposure, but they can appear any time between 6 weeks and 6 months after exposure.” (4)

In light of the above information, the CBCD recommends that individuals infected with the hepatitis B virus take Novirin or Gene-Eden-VIR.

Click to learn more about Novirin and hepatitis B and Gene-Eden-VIR and hepatitis B.


(1) – Understand chronic hepatitis B.

(2)   Polansky H, Itzkovitz E. Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 2013, 4, 1-8

(3) – Hepatitis B – Complications. Last reviewed on February 6, 2014.

(4)   CDC – Hepatitis B Information for the Public – Hepatitis B FAQs for the Public. June 9, 2009.

About CBCD

About CBCD

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease ( is a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c) 3 of the IRS tax code. The center’s mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. The CBCD first published Dr. Hanan Polansky’s highly acclaimed “Purple” book, entitled “Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease” in 2003. In this book, he explains how foreign DNA fragments can cause many major diseases. The book has been read by more than 5,000 scientists around the world, and has been reviewed in more than 20 leading scientific journals. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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