
Large headstone on offer from AK Lander

When a loved one or close friend passes away you want them to be remembered forever and the best way to do this is to buy a memorial to remember them.

Everyone knows that funerals are expensive and often the added expense of a gravestone or headstone means that it is impossible to buy an affordable memorial that is also appropriate.

AK Lander, however, has a large headstone that is currently on offer. The 3-foot high all polished black granite ogee headstone is currently available for just £648, which is a huge reduction on the normal price of £984. The special offer also includes 80 letters to go on the headstone for free.

The large headstone can also come with two flower holders and a plaque that can feature an old photograph of the deceased. The headstone is still in stock, but hurry as the headstone is expected to get snapped up quickly.

AK Lander has a range of special offers including price cuts on the cost of different types of standard-sized headstones and full memorials.

If you would like to find out more information about the special offers currently available or would like to purchase a headstone or full memorial contact AK Lander on 0800 3777057 or visit their website.

About AK Lander

AK Lander have been making memorials since 1866, and we pride ourselves on offering an affordable range of high quality headstones. We offer complete peace of mind and a professional service that is highly valued by our customers, who appreciate our help at a particularly difficult time for them.

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Name: AK Lander
Phone: 0800 3777 057