Joe Schwartz Spa World, leading Miami-based manufacturer of bath products including Joe Schwartz walkin tubs, has been busy helping customers make sense of what to do with their renovation plans during the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, offering advice that suggests such plans should be reevaluated during this health crisis – even if some homeowners have begun undertaking projects such as bathroom remodels to accommodate life-changing events at home.
“It’s too soon to tell just how badly COVID-19 will hurt the economy, but if a recession strikes, jobs could be compromised – and we include our own customers in that statement,” explains Schwartz. “At that point, folks will need all the money they can get their hands on to pay bills while they look for employment, so we recommend that before they withdraw a substantial portion of their savings, people think about whether they’re better off delaying that project another season.
“Another thing to keep in mind is that with the economy potentially taking a turn for the worse, there’s a chance home values will start to decline in the not-so-distant future; this should be kept in the back of one’s mind if there’s a plan to renovate and sell shortly after the fact, because money may not be recouped in the way originally envisioned.”
For those homeowners that choose to outsource contractor companies for their renovations rather than attempt to tackle the project themselves, Joe Schwartz meditubs has been pointing out the dangers of doing so in this current climate. According to Schwartz and other company representatives, residential construction, in particular – wherein strangers with unknown hygiene habits come onto a property, touch surfaces and work in close proximity to each other – is simply too dangerous at this time.
“Homeowners are defeating efforts to protect themselves and their families in an attempt to reduce the spread and flatten the curve,” adds Schwartz.