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James E. Russell III Moves Your Car Buying Experience to the Next Level

Industry: Transportation & Logistics

In today’s market, more than ever, your primary product has to be a satisfied and happy customer.

Car Buyers, USA (PRUnderground) February 14th, 2017

Yes, you’ve still got all your other products too of units sold, gross income, financing and warranty revenue and service department hours delivered, but without that satisfied and happy customer, you’re not going to have a chance at any of those other products.

That’s probably always been the case in the industry, but it took Mercedes and Sonic to figure that out. Today, when an internet educated buyer knows as much as or more than your best salespeople, your main focus — more than ever — has to be on doing everything you can to gain satisfied and happy customers.

A good consultant can help you do that.

Not by shouting at you, but by whispering all of that new life into your dealership.


Copies of Test Driving Your Dealership are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble


Review copies available upon request


Contact: Taylor Williams / Book Publicist, Black Rose Writing

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