Every mom has had the experience of being out with their kids, when one of them has an “accident,” be it spilling milk/ formula/juice, getting sick and vomiting or the ever popular poopy spillage from a diaper! And most have experienced not having what they need in the moment, to clean things up and get going again.
Mommy Gobag solves this completely! Designed by an always on-the-go military mom, she has experienced it and is prepared! Change of clothes? Got it! Wipes to clean the mess? Got it! More diapers? Got it! Medicines/bandaids etc? Got that, too!
Why Mommy Go Bag?
• It’s organized there’s a place for everything.
• It’s designed by a military mom to be functional and fashionable.
• It has backpack straps that tuck away when not in use.
• It has a roll top for easy bag expansion.
Each Mommy Go Bag comes with the Evac PAC. It comes in a hardened clamshell case and is filled with emergency supplies to withstand the scariest attacks from your children! Featuring a hard clamshell case and strap to hold kit on the outside and Refillable large wet wipes, stain remover wipes, PediaLyte Powder Packs, Pepto Kids Chewable, Throw-up Bag Rolls, Mints, Hand Sanitizer, Fabric Freshener, Benadryl, and a Throwabag for dirty t-shit on the inside.
About Mommy Go Bag Founder
Jillian Coburn and her husband founded Mommy GoBag after discovering a need for having a stylish, military-grade bag for moms on the go. After constantly traveling with her 30-year Army veteran husband, Lonnie, and their children, for the military, she came up with the Mommy GoBag solution while at an airport dealing with her youngest child coming down with motion sickness. She wanted to give other moms the ability to be ready for any situation and look stylish at the same time while traveling.
Her husband, Lonnie Coburn joined the Army at age 17 and retired on September, 19th 2020 as a Captain. He served several tours of duty in his long military career.
You can purchase the Mommy Go Bag at www.mommygobags.com.
For bookings, appearances, interviews, events, and other opportunities please contact allirodriguezpr@gmail.com
About Alli Rodriguez PR
Alli Rodriguez PR is a Marketing & PR firm with contacts throughout the United States of America. The firm has a successful history of developing and executing all aspects of public outreach campaigns to increase media exposure and support strategic marketing initiatives. The firm has proven creative talent with demonstrated strength in building relationships and producing effective results.
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