
Integral City brings urban planners a new tool for building sustainable, smart cities

Marilyn Hamilton, the foremost expert on integral city planning and Integral Publishers, the first publishing house dedicated to publishing works on integral, transdisciplinary approaches, have launched the second book in the Integral City book series, Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive. The book is a veritable how-to guide for urban planners and change workers on how to engage citizens, communities and collectives to build sustainable, resilient cities of the future. The launch is timely as large and small cities around the world increase budgets for these roles and services.

Integral City Inquiry & Action is the second book in a four part series published by Integral Publishers. The first book, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, is an overview of the 12 intelligences needed to build integral cities, whereas book two is the how-to guide for placemaking and, equally as important, “placecaring,” a term coined by Hamilton in the book. Book one will be re-released by Integral Publishers this summer with an updated introduction, while books three and four will be released over the next two years.

Praise for the new book comes from experts like Ken Wilber, one of the most widely read and influential American philosophers of our time, Lisa Norton, design professor and associate dean at Parsons School of Design, and more. To see the full list of reviews please visit this link.

What Integral City tells us, among numerous important specific insights, is that any approach that is less comprehensive or less integral is doomed to failure, because only an integrally pluralistic theory and practice will cover all the truly important bases. My congratulations to the author for another profound, timely, and superb work!”

Ken Wilber— Philosopher, Integral Theorist, Author: The Integral Vision, Sex Ecology & Spirituality, Integral Psychology, A Brief History of Everything

This leading edge and thoroughly practical contribution to inquiry and impact on the crucial dilemmas faced by cities today, is a gift to next generation urban change workers.

Lisa Norton, Professor of Design Leadership and Associate Dean, School of Design Strategies, Parsons School of Design, New York, NY

“Integral City Inquiry & Action is a book for the placemakers and placecarers who are creating the cities of our future,” said Hamilton. “I wanted to provide an actionable resource not just for the chief resilience officers in the world’s largest cities, but for the thousands of small to medium cities where change agents, the building industry, students studying to become placemakers, city workers, social workers, designers and more can learn from our models, tools and practices.”

“It is an honor to publish smart, thoughtful and desperately needed works like this one by Marilyn Hamilton – it’s really why we do what we do at Integral Publishers,” said Russ Volckmann Co-Founder at Integral Publishers, LLC. “We are thrilled to bring the full four-book series to print and know that it will add great value to our diverse catalog of ground breaking and thought provoking books and authors.”

Integral City Inquiry & Action is available for purchase through and is available for students of Integral City training on The full list of books by Marilyn Hamilton can be found here, and key resources featuring her work can be found here.

About Marilyn Hamilton

Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, founder of Integral City Meshworks and author of the Integral City Series of books is an “AQtivator.” She convenes the 4+ Voices of human hives to transform their habitats into Gaia’s Reflective Organs.

About Integral Publishers

Integral Publishers is the first publishing house dedicated to publishing the works by authors who draw on Integral, Adult Development, Complexity, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary approaches. A channel for integrally-informed, leading edge thinkers to bring their ideas to as wide an audience as possible in the service of the greater good. Integral Publishers also owns Tangent Publishers, that promotes exceptional works by outstanding authors that do not necessarily fall within the Integral, Adult Development, Complexity, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary approaches, and Integral Leadership Review, an online journal dedicated to the work by theorists and practitioners of integral theory relating to all levels of Leadership.

About Integral City

Integral City Meshworks is a global constellation of communities of practice that nurtures cities as human hives. Launched in 2005, and now in Canada, USA, Netherlands, Russia, Mexico and South Africa we connect the 4 Voices of the city to energize relationships, that unify visions and develop eco-regional resilience strategies for human hive wellbeing. Through placecaring and placemaking we inspire a Planet of Integral Cities as living, integral, evolutionary human systems, to become Gaia’s Reflective Organs.

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