Music is a great unifier, especially when a song’s message resonates deep in the heart of the masses. This simple truth was exactly what was on award-winning singer/songwriter Luanne Hunt’s mind when she sat down to write the lyrics for her latest recording, “Keep America Great.” The initial inspiration for the tune came by way of a conversation she had with songwriter Dave Berg, who, with Tim Thompson, co-wrote her latest No. 1 hit country song, “The Rhythm.”
Berg, a conservative and long-time producer for the “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” told Hunt he had gotten to know numerous politicians through his work on the program. He also formed a relationship with President Trump, who had been a guest on “The Tonight Show” several times, long before he ever dreamed of running for office.
Upon hearing this, Hunt suggested they co-write a theme song for Trump for his 2020 campaign based on the “Keep America Great” theme. Berg thought it was a great idea and said he still had quite a few contacts in Washington he could pitch it to.
The next day, Hunt wrote a set of lyrics and sent them to Berg.
“I originally titled the song ‘These Great United States’ but Dave suggested we change the title to ‘Keep America Great’ to go along with President Trump’s 2020 campaign slogan,” said Hunt. “With that change, the entire set of words seemed like they were tailor-made for our President.
“The song speaks about the greatness and glory of our country that sets it apart from all others, which is something President Trump talks a lot about.” It also focuses on how important loyalty and patriotism are, especially in these divisive times. Those values seem to be lost on a lot of people, so I wanted to bring attention back to them.”
Once Berg received Hunt’s lyrics, he began to think about melody ideas. In the meantime, his songwriter daughter, Melissa K. Berg, had come to visit him and Berg told her about the project. Melissa said she took one look at Hunt’s lyrics and went straight to the piano with an idea.
“I read Luanne’s lyrics and they immediately resonated with me,” said Melissa, an accomplished vocalist and pianist who holds a BA in music education from Pepperdine University.
“She was speaking on behalf of all hard-working Americans, who get up and go to their jobs every day to make a better life for their families and also make our country better. That’s what America is all about.”
Melissa wrote the melody for “Keep America Great” in 15 minutes and emailed it to Hunt, who began the process of producing the song several days later. She assembled her team of ace musicians and singers and over a few, short weeks, “Keep America Great” was complete.
“If you take President Trump out of the equation, ‘Keep America Great’ is a song for everyone,” said Melissa. “Whatever side of the aisle you are on politically, it’s hard to imagine you wouldn’t be on board with moving forward and keeping this country the same one that we know and love.”
About Star Creek Entertainment
Star Creek Entertainment is a music production company that specializes in producing concerts, as well as studio recordings.