
IndiaQBank Offers Leading AIPMGEE Test Preparation Software Program

The creators of IndiaQBank have announced that their AIPMGEE (All India Post Medical Graduate Entrance Examination) software is leading others that provide the same type of services. IndiaQBank provides students with 2546 of the best preparation questions for the exam, and its simple user interface makes studying simpler and more effective.

IndiaQBank offers a variety of unique features for potential healthcare professionals taking their medical licensing exams. They offer questions from all 19 of the subjects tested on the AIPMGEE, including anatomy, anesthesiology, microbiology, pathology, obstetrics and gynecology, and many others. Each question provided by IndiaQBank covers a different topic from one of the subject areas tested, and the software provides answers as well as explanations for all of their practice exam questions.

Students can choose the number of questions they want to take in each block, and they can mark their questions as they see fit. Students can test on unused questions, incorrect questions, or all of the questions, and they can make notes as they go. The software provides a very detailed analysis of all of the practice tests students have taken, and it provides not only a cumulative performance review, but also a more detailed review by subject category. This gives students a better opportunity to study the topics the are unfamiliar with while skipping over those they understand.

The best part is that IndiaQBank offers up a true-to-life simulation for their multiple choice questions with normal lab values, as well. This not only prepares students for the questions, but also for the environment in which they’ll be testing.

About IndiaQBank

About the Company: provides an extensive range of online examination test preparation services for medical and engineering students. The company is situated at 401 Sree Sai Enclave, Plot 80, Arunodaya Colony, Madhapur, Hyderabad and it can be contacted by calling +91-9849033243, by sending an email to or by sending a message on the above mentioned Facebook page.

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Phone: 91-9849033243