
India Examination Test Prep Site,, Offers Various Career Opportunities is known for assisting medical and engineering students in India to prepare for a range of exams such as the AIPGMEE, FMGE and JEE MAIN examinations. Recently, the portal made an announcement regarding the fact that it is looking to hire question developers to help expand its offerings.

In order to be considered for these positions, question developers would need to either be qualified physicians or engineers, as they would already possess the necessary background knowledge required to compile the questions. Questions that would need to be compiled include a range of multiple choice options for the AIPGMEE, FMGE and JEE MAIN exams.

When compiling these questions, developers would be required to follow a basic set of guidelines. These include ensuring that there is a subject, opening stem of one to two sentences, four answer choices (one correct answer only) and an explanation of why the correct answer is correct and the other options are incorrect.

Candidates will need to have excellent English and overall grammar skills and the application process is open to international medical graduates as well. Developers will receive excellent levels of compensation for each of their contributions, which will be paid by means of PayPal and the work can be done from home as well. Physicians and engineers who go the extra mile will be considered for long term involvement with a range of IndiaQBank projects in the future.

Any qualified persons who would like to obtain more information about the available career opportunities on the site can do so here:

About IndiaQBank

About the Company: provides an extensive range of online examination test preparation services for medical and engineering students. The company is situated at 401 Sree Sai Enclave, Plot 80, Arunodaya Colony, Madhapur, Hyderabad and it can be contacted by calling +91-9849033243, by sending an email to or by sending a message on the above mentioned Facebook page.

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Name: Asad Raza
Phone: 91-9849033243