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Hyperbiotics: Changing the world, one healthy birth at a time

Industry: Health & Fitness

Hyperbiotics and Bumi Sehat, a powerful partnership pioneers free, gentle births for over 400 women in need

Henderson, NV (PRUnderground) April 19th, 2016

Mission-driven probiotics company, Hyperbiotics rewrites the birth stories of women across the world through its remarkable partnership with internationally-acclaimed nonprofit Bumi Sehat Foundation. To date, Hyperbiotics has donated over 10,000 prenatal probiotic supplements and $50,000 which has funded full prenatal care and gentle births for over 400 women and babies.  

Led by CNN Hero of the year and celebrated midwife, Robin Lim, Bumi Sehat Foundation International provides free prenatal care, childbirth services, and quality healthcare to women and children in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Nepal, where infant mortality rates are 5 times higher and maternal mortality rates are 31 times than that of the United States. This inspired nonprofit’s work has delivered thousands of babies and saved hundreds of lives of poor, medically-disenfranchised women and children.

Hyperbiotics-Logo-600pxHyperbiotics’ commitment to ensuring all women have access to quality maternal healthcare is a core pillar of the company’s mission and values. Because a healthy microbiome begins at birth, probiotics can support the foundational needs of every being. Babies are nearly sterile in the womb and are meant to be inoculated with the microbes they need for a healthy life as they travel through the birth canal, through skin to skin contact and through their mother’s breast milk.

“Hospital births in Bali often involve exorbitant medical bills that must be paid in full before the mother can freely be with her baby. This forces many poor families to birth at home without proper medical care, or worse, to birth in a hospital and face possible separation from their newborn.” states Jamie Morea, Co-founder of Hyperbiotics. “Access to a healthy mother is every child’s best bet for developing a proper microbiome and ensuring survival – and poverty can make this extremely difficult. At Hyperbiotics, we believe we can be changemakers in our world and have partnered with Bumi Sehat to ensure that these mothers are properly tended to and that no child will suffer because they don’t get the basic care and nourishment that they need.”

“Bumi Sehat means Healthy Earth Mother. We believe that access to quality healthcare and to kind, hygienic, culturally appropriate childbirth is a human right. We believe that each individual is an essential societal component of peace. We are devoted to working in partnership with people to improve quality of life and to encourage peace.” said Robin Lim, Midwife/Founder and Executive Director of Yayasan Bumi Sehat Health Clinics. “Our partnership with Hyperbiotics is one of genuine heart and mutual passion for empowering mothers to gift their babies with a lifetime of health and well-being.”

As part of its impassioned social responsibility strategy, Hyperbiotics has committed continued support for Bumi Sehat’s life-saving work. In addition to ongoing donations of its top probiotic formulas PRO-15, PRO-Kids, and PRO-Moms, Hyperbiotics sponsors full prenatal care and gentle births for an estimated 25 women at every month. This is a partnership to watch – one that is full of inspirational stories and that increases the capacity for love and wellness in our world.

Resources to Learn More

Partnership between Hyperbiotics and Bumi Sehat: vimeo.com/143437425

Hyperbiotics: hyperbiotics.com, and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,  Pinterest, and Vimeo

Bumi Sehat Foundation International: bumisehatfoundation.org

PRO-Moms Formula: vimeo.com/161849035

About Hyperbiotics

Hyperbiotics is a mission-driven health and wellness company that delivers superior probiotic formulas to support more healthy days. Backed by the latest research and the long-standing knowledge that the secret to health begins in the gut, Hyperbiotics formulates premium probiotic supplements that support the foundation of human health. www.hyperbiotics.com

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