
How Long Do Breast Implants Usually Last?

Plastic surgeon, Dr. Javad Sajan states that he has seen patients with implants that are 30 years old without any problems. Dr. Sajan specializes in breast augmentation and performs breast augmentation surgery with saline, silicone, and gummy bear breast implants. When explaining to patients how long breast implants last, the answer depends on the type of breast implant chosen and the preference of the patient.

How Long Do Saline Implants Last?

Saline breast implants consist of a silicone shell that Dr. Sajan fills with liquid saline during surgery. They tend not to last as long as silicone filled implants. Generally, saline implants can last around 10 years before they become more susceptible to rupture or require exchanging to maintain optimal results.

How Long Do Silicone Breast Implants Last?

Silicone breast implants can be lifelong for some patients, although this is controversial. It is advised that patients consider exchanging their implants after 10 years. However, many surgeons tell patients that there is no reason to seek a breast implant exchange if there are no problems or concerning symptoms. Instead of doing an exchange every 10 years, some patients choose to self-monitor and check with their doctor for routine exams.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Gummy bear breast implants are believed to have the best longevity record, according to Healthline. As a firmer implant and the most cohesive silicone gel available, gummy bear implants can easily last many years. Also, due to their textured shell, they move around less in the breast which helps prevent complications.

The FDA recommends that patients undergo regular MRIs to check for implant rupture. Silicone implants can experience “silent rupture” where the implant shell is penetrated, but there are no obvious signs. The first MRI takes place after three years and then every two years because the risk of rupture increases by about 1% each year based on a 10-year study published in 2016 Though, getting MRIs for breast implants is not commonly practiced due to cost.

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