Looking for a unique way to get into the Halloween candy season?
Why not look to the wonderful and wacky world of Japanese candy?
Introducing WOWBOX, a new Japanese Candy Subscription Service, produced by the one and only Japanese Sweets & Snacks media company mogmog.us
We curate the best sweets and snacks in Japan and send them right to your door.
We’re the only service of our kind that offer multiple themed boxes! It’s simple, every month, you pick the theme and we pick your treats. Then voila, you’ve got a beautiful box of delicious Japanese candy and snacks delivered to your home.
What are themes?
Well, Japan’s candy scene is changing all the time, with new treats, new flavors, new limited-time specialties, new product tie-ins and so much more, we want to make sure that you are able to get the most up-to-date, current candies.So, we’ve broken them down into easy-to-digest categories to keep our subscribers satisfied.
All the fun, wacky, and weird treats Japan is known for, including the popular DIY snacks you’ve seen online.
An offering of tasty low calorie treats and beauty-enhancing snacks. Plus, we also throw in the occasional cosmetic product!
3) Classic Anniversary WOW BOX
This is a very special year for a handful of Japan’s most beloved snacks, as some of the most recognizable treats celebrate special anniversaries. That list is highlighted by Pocky (50 years), Hi Chew (40) and Kinokono Yama (40), three sweets known all over the globe. This WOW BOX gathers that trio, along with a few other classics with special birthdays, so you can join in the party too.
*We’ll be adding more as we complete our beta run!
We offer three sizes
Small [$14.99-]
Medium [$24.99-]
Large [$34.99-]
What’s more, our large box includes additional special items you can only get in Japan? Like anime figurines? Like beauty products? Check inside to find super cool bonuses!
On top of that, we’re also developing a point system where our subscribers can write reviews and give feedback in exchange for extra discounts and goodies!
WOWBOX launches September 12th! We will take orders until the final day of September and our first box of candy ships out early October!
We’re offering a special Halloween discount for our first month. $1 off S size, $3 off M size and $5 off L size!
Additionally,, our October box will include Halloween themed candy straight from Japan.
We have a limited number of free WOWBOX’s available for press.
For more information, check out our website at https://wowbox.mogmog.us
WOWNOW is a Tokyo based IT/Media company.