Heavenly Productions Foundation, a 501c-3 not for profit based in Armonk, New York whose mission is to help children in need and in distress will host its 4th Annual Holiday Concert and Dance Performances at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital on Friday, December 6, 2019. According to Dr. Kathy Reilly Fallon, Heavenly Productions Foundation’s Chairwoman, the charity will be donating 450 toys and 6 wagons to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York.
Pediatric patients will be greeted by a cast of Holiday characters including Santa Claus, Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Olaf, Princess Anna and Elsa from Frozen and will meet Retired NBA Basketball Player and Heavenly Productions Foundation Executive Board Member John Wallace.
The patients and their families will be entertained by award winning Irish musicians Dawn Doherty, John Walsh with students from the Dawn Doherty School of Music. The Kriti School of Dance will be performing an Indian dance entitled ‘Joy’. The City Center Dancers of White Plains, New York under the direction of Sarah Antal will be performing Holiday dance sets. Matthew Gierer, a 13 year old male vocalist will be singing a few Holiday songs.
Heavenly Productions Foundation hopes to lift the spirits of the Pediatric patients at Maria Fraeri Children’s Hospital during this Holiday season.
About Heavenly Productions Foundation
Heavenly Productions Foundation, a 501c-3 not for profit whose mission is to help children in need and in distress will host its 4th Annual Holiday Concert and Dance Performances at Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital on Friday, December 6, 2019. Heavenly Productions Foundation will be donating 450 toys and 6 wagons to Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital in Valhalla, New York.