Harrison Peters was invited to attend the annual education summit, Reshaping America’s Schools in a Post-Pandemic World, hosted virtually by non-profit, Children at Risk. Community leaders and educators are invited to share innovative methods and public policy solutions to create a higher-quality learning experience for students.
“I am humbled to be invited to speak at this prestigious summit and to be a part of a global community that is working for the betterment of children and their education,” says Harrison Peters, chief executive officer of Men of Color in Education Leadership (MCEL). “The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our learning environment and placed an enormous strain on students and their academic life.”
Sponsored by Shell, AIG Life & Retirement, and Amazon, the summit took place on the 8th of September with several experts across the nation attending to discuss educational practices and outcomes in the transition of virtual and in-person learning.
C@R is a nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization that is dedicated to understanding and addressing the causes of child poverty and inequality. Their mission is to act as a catalyst for changing the quality of children’s lives through public policy analysis, education, advocacy, and collaboration. Originally serving children in Houston, the organization has expanded its reach to the entire state of Texas, driving meaningful change for more than 30 years.
Harrison Peters was the former state turnaround superintendent for Providence Public Schools in Rhode Island. He has also served as the chief of schools and deputy superintendent for Hillsborough Schools located in Florida. A graduate of Nova Southeastern University and the University of South Florida, Peters was honored as Zeta Tau Lambda’s Outstanding Educator and completed the Future Chiefs leadership development program.
To learn more news and information about Harrison Peters, you can visit his Linkedin page.
To find out more about Children at Risk, please see their website at https://childrenatrisk.org/