Global Pongamia Biodiesel World 2016

Industry: Healthcare

2 Days Global Pongamia Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme is scheduled on April 27-28, 2016, Jaipur, India

Jaipur, India (PRUnderground) December 9th, 2015

Development of pongamia as a biofuel crop has largely been underway in India, at ABC where scientists have been assessing new crops to support sustainable rural development. There is significant interest in developing pongamia as a new source of biofuel. Its reputation in India as a sustainable rural fuel source, combined with its ability to establish on low fertility soils Cultivars are being selected that will yield seeds with up to 40% oil. The plant has attracted research interest due to its reputation as a drought tolerant crop and its traditional use as a source of oil for lamp fuel. Pongamia has a long history of use by people. Research and field trials to assess the species’ capacity to produce biofuel have been underway at ADVANCED BIOFUEL CENTER (ABC). After having a number of successful field trials ABC has honor to establish Pongamia Pinnata- an untapped resource as alternative source for  Bio- Diesel industry of future


CJP’s Global Pongamia Biodiesel World focuses on the entire Pongamia production from Ground zero to scale. Topics are carefully selected to cover the Agronomy, Horticulture, Biology, Engineering, Marketing and Financial aspects of Pongamia commercialization. ABC is recognized as an important platform for productive exchanges among the Academic, Commercial and Investment communities.  Join us at this unique knowledge platform to share the latest information on:

An Update from the Pongamia Industry Advances in Pongamia Research & development Production Systems  Commercial track of Pongamia — Leading the Way to New heights Harvesting and Extraction Frontiers of Pongamia Biotechnology and so on—¬


The members of Biodiesel industries can use the resources to be outlined in the meeting to collectively focus on their goals and pursue them in ways that improve their chances of making best bet decisions. This will involve identifying consumer needs, clearly defining the Pongamia crop product, establishing the human and technical components of the supply chain and entering a commercial market, once appropriate benchmarks for investment, growth and returns have been set. Applying such an approach to nonfood Biodiesel crop industry, one can also provide a framework for the industry to determine its needs in terms of future growth, research and development


Pongamia has demonstrated a favorable response to many of the practices and techniques currently used in agriculture, but research is needed to understand its unique properties that can be manipulated to coax the crop to reach its fullest potential. Among agronomic questions that can only be readily got answered in the programme with assurance are:

Biology, Biodiversity & Physiology

Gremplasm, Genomic, Genetic Improvement & Propagation


Farm Design & Management

Agronomics and sustainability

– R&D status, available varieties, yield, optimal conditions

– Greenhouse gas benefits


– Economy, Marketing & Health-promoting Properties

– financing requirements of large scale projects

– is this industry attracting the needed capitals?

– Carbon credits

– Existence of meaningful supply chains

– Market demand and its perspectives: biofuels, aviation, health, cosmetic


– Large-scale vs. small-scale

– Local use vs. export

 Pongamia Oil and Oil technology & Quality


– Impact on local communities

–  Involvement of small holders

Next Generation Biofuels Feedstock

In the recent years Pongamia oil industry has caught the great attention in the global market and, as the world’s one of the Pongamia producer, India plays a very important role in it. Thus, it is very important for stakeholders of Pongamia oil industry to continuously and constantly to keep updated on the technology due to its potential in maximizing productivity and achieving further efficiency. ABC holds the Global PONGAMIA BIODIESEL WORLD 2016 as an important event for global Pongamia stakeholders. This event will provide reliable information on Pongamia, market dynamics, and also with the latest issues in the industry.

The Forming and Managing Supply Chains in Agribusiness learning package helps managers to learn what is required to “hand craft” their own supply chain as a way of improving their Pongamia crop enterprise’s chances of success. The package would be of interest to anyone in the Pongamia crop development process, but is specially targeted at those who are close to the full commercialization stage. Global Pongamia Biodiesel World 2016  shall Highlights the updated research and technology; Experts will meet to reveal the latest developments in Pongamia research, the newest agricultural, horticultural, harvesting and modification techniques, and tell how the process can be scaled up. It will provide an excellent opportunity to the investors, entrepreneurs, renewable fuel experts, their associates and academia to share their experiences and knowledge on Pongamia. It will give them an excellent opportunity to know more about the latest research and developments in production .The Programme would cover all the topics related to Pongamia Industry with Plantation visit

This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new growers to start Biodiesel  Business

Seize this opportunity to begin business with Pongamia and REGISTER Today

Please PRE-REGISTER here  for further details and obtaining registration form.

About Advanced Biofuel Center

Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) conducts advanced multi-feedstock research in the industry’s non-food energy farming crop improvement programme and addresses the complete value chain. As a producer of proprietary seeds, ABC is in the most attractive segment of the biodiesel value chain — upstream from the capital intensive refining and conversion of biodiesel.
ABC’s goal is to triple dedicated biodiesel crop yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48% and, in combination with other crops, target an oil yield that is 1500 gallon per hectare. Researchers also hope to increase the quality of the oils and other products produced—while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers.
At ABC, the dedicated biodiesel crop curcas plants’ biology and genetic profile have been subjected to intense scrutiny, as molecular and genetic scientists collaborate with agronomists to breed and develop cultivars suitable for large scale fuel farming. Traditional breeding, inter-species hybridisation, genetic modification, and advanced cloning techniques are all being applied to produce new commercial cultivars.
Enhanced cultivar and seeds
After 11 years of continuous research and experiments in cultivating and breeding dedicated biodiesel crop curcas and other biofuel crops, ABC has developed a systematic breeding and cultivar development strategy. Newly bred cultivars are extensively tested in multi-location trials and true to type seeds are being produced using the organization’s improved seed product line. Improved seeds result in greater yield, uniformity and vigour while significantly reducing plantation costs for growers. JCLMax3, MOMAX, DI03SAP etc improved varieties have been tested and developed for a range of climatic and soil conditions.
ABC’s dedicated biodiesel crop agronomy knowledge platform focuses on ‘plantation technologies’ and has run an agronomy research programme alongside the breeding programme that looks into all agronomy issues.ABC further share and distribute its knowledge and expertise through its knowledge arm Biodiesel Business Academy
ABC scientists are continuously working on enhanced genetics, agronomics and horticulture sciences to drive new varieties, more knowledge around the plant’s nutritional requirements and more science-based processes for the care and custody of the plant.
Balancing resources to create a sustainable long-term solution without harming the environment is the challenge. The focus must remain on balancing the three major areas—genetics, agronomics and horticulture practices—so the plant will grow with optimal productivity.
We are confident that scientific advancements can demonstrate, preserve, and enhance biodiesel\\\\’s ability to help meet the food, feed, fiber, and energy needs of the future.
We have a state-of-the-symbolization base that is generally outfitted with cutting-edge innovation based apparatus and world class conveniences. We have isolated our office into numerous divisions to guarantee that greatest conceivable operational proficiency is accomplished.


Moinga India is making huge efforts, experiments, research to harness the harnessing the “superfood” powers of Moringa oleifera, a drought-resistant tree native to North India and widely used throughout the topics for in solving this global problem. Moringa shows great promise as a tool to help overcome some of the most severe problems in the developing world—malnutrition, deforestation, impure water and poverty. The tree does best in the dry regions where these problems are worst. Green leafy vegetables and fruits supply much needed essential micro-nutrients like beta-carotene [vitamin A], vitamin C, folic acid, and also calcium and potassium. Moringa leaves in particular are a rich, inexpensive source of micro-nutrients. Although few people have ever heard of it today, Mission Moringa India is to establish the Moringa to become one of the world’s most valuable plants, at least in humanitarian terms Moringa India has been formed to identify the factors limiting the adoption and use of the Moringa Tree for Agricultural Development for Producing Biodiesel and to explore the important role Moringa play in the lives of rural people and the global economy deliberating advancement of existing and future agricultural development projects. It’s experience, expertise, and views about Moringa and its use for agriculture development for the purposes of reducing hunger and poverty and formulate strategies for developing moringa failsafe farms and also helps new growers to have holistic information on moringa crop with academic research activities in Agronomy, Horticulture, and Biology, industrial practices in biofuels , Marketing and Financial aspects of Moringa commercialization. It will be a great pleasure to share the up-to-date advances in both fundamental researches and engineering practices, and to project the areas where we may contribute to to harness the full potential of moringa for betterment of people and planet Moringa India is one of the largest growers of Moringa Oleifera and maintains Moringa farms in scientific manner. With its extensive experiences in the field, enhanced technology, plant science & professional knowledge, effective consulting service and business intelligence, Moringa India has developed a set of tools/service to develop Moringa business from soil to superfood, from farming to fuel

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