Journey to Success with Gliza Gail Mangibong, now for sale on Amazon, will demonstrate to its readers that hard decisions and sacrifices are an unavoidable part of one’s journey to success. Gliza’s book is a beautiful and open testimony of how weaknesses can be used against one’s enemies and turned into strengths. Readers will understand that the taste of success is all the sweeter when achieved after fighting against the currents of the status quo.
Gliza is known for being a life changer, challenger, and survivor. Knowing how tough life can be, she stands her ground to prove her value and worth. She is motivated by the proverb: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Gliza talks about how her current state is a result of all that she has been through: “… I made many sacrifices to get where I am because I was absolutely certain of what I wanted to achieve. I continued to soar higher even though many tried to pull me down. I was stubborn (in the good sense of the word) and only soared higher and higher until those who were pulling me down could not keep up with me.”
Part of one’s journey to success involves fighting against the waves of those who will belittle you and pull you down. Gliza motivates her readers to fight against such people in a rebellious yet positive manner. In other words, prove them wrong by achieving your goals.
“I took their slander as a challenge and channeled it into becoming the person I am today. I took what was negative and used it to my advantage, and I became the opposite of my naysayers’ image of me,” says Gliza.
Journey to Success with Gliza Gail Mangibong is a story of how a woman fought through her path to success despite the pessimism and negativity around her. Gliza’s story is bound to inspire her readers to break out of their comfort zones and push forward on their journey to success as she did.
Regarding her perseverance and “can-do” attitude, Bernardo O. Bagang, a lawyer and professor at St. Louis University, Baguio City, has this to say about Gliza: “She is the epitome of perseverance and determination. I saw the intense craving for knowledge in her, not letting financial and economic constraints stand in her way. She has the ‘can-do attitude’ no matter how difficult and insurmountable the challenges seem to be.”
Celine and Pierre Massot have beautifully testified to Gliza’s character and sense of care with these words: “Joie de vivre & optimism are always there with Gliza! Gliza is full of positive energy, dedicated, and totally reliable, which is so rare! With her determination, Gliza transforms hopes into reality. Clever, full of intellectual curiosity, Gliza has undeniably high potentials and great finesse d’esprit and delicacy. She also has great human qualities. She certainly is one of the most careful and generous people we have met since 2017, and we are very happy about it! Gliza used to take care of our daughter after school. Since then, our children have grown up, but we have never parted from Gliza, who continues to help us with efficiency and enthusiasm while actively working on many projects at the same time, including writing and sharing her life stories.”
Discover the power of turning your sacrifices into success with Journey to Success with Gliza Gail Mangibong, now for sale on Amazon.
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