Spay and neutering your pet is a necessity these days. Not only does it help control the pet homelessness crisis which leads to many healthy animals being euthanized, but it also provides many medical benefits. Longer, healthier lives, cancer and prostate prevention, and better-behaved pets are just some of the reasons why it is important.
– ASPCA Spay/Neuter Your Pet Article
Gervetusa knows how important it is to spay and neuter our furry friends, which is why we have created the First Color-Coated Spay/Neuter Surgery Pack! This is a much safer alternative to marking tape and cost-efficient as there is no need to purchase or reapply tape. Each color makes it very easy to identify instruments to reduce mistakes. Available in Rainbow, Blue, Rose Gold, and GunMetal there’s a color for everyone! Check out Gervetusa today! Free delivery on first-time orders.
About GerVetUSA Inc
GerVetUSA manufactures and sells high-quality German forged surgical instruments, which have been utilized with great success by surgeons around the world for decades. Our dedicated research and development team have worked closely with some of the top surgical instrument design engineers, surgeons, inventors, and craftsmen in the industry. This has allowed us to produce and deliver high quality and affordable instruments utilized throughout the surgical instrument industry.
Our instruments are used to treat patients in medical, dental, and veterinary markets. GerVetUSA specializes in designing and modifying products to the exact needs of surgeons for their specific specialties.