Gabriel Valjan

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Gabriel Valjan’s “Zombees” will appear in Black Chaos II: More Tales of the Zombie

Industry: Books

Gabriel Valjan’s “Zombees” will appear in Black Chaos II, an eclectic collection of 25 tales to be published by Big Pulp Publications

United States (PRUnderground) May 8th, 2015

Gabriel Valjan’s “Zombees” will appear in Black Chaos II, an eclectic collection of 25 tales by an international ensemble of writers to be published by Big Pulp Publications.“Zombees” is set in Grand Isles, a sleepy New England town. Sheriff Jack Daniels – and you know what inspired his conception – and his “bug man,” Eamon, start their shift with a headless corpse. It gets weirder and creepier from there. This title of this tale riffs on the popular zombie theme in unexpected ways. Black Chaos II is available from Amazon and Smashwords on 8 May 2015.

Gabriel has a tight flash fiction piece called “Beneficiary” out 19 June 2015 from the folks at Spelk in the UK, who seek and publish the best of micro-fiction on the web. “Beneficiary” is crime fiction that clocks in fewer than 500 words, but carries a life sentence.

Book 4 TTS cover SMALL.jpgGabriel Valjan’s next novel, TURNING TO STONE, will be published in June 2015 (Winter Goose Publishing; softcover $15.99; Kindle / Nook, $5.99). Readers familiar with his Roma Series will be thrilled to discover that Alabaster Black aka Bianca Nerini returns as an investigation into a public official’s assassination pits Bianca and her friends against a backdrop of financial speculation, female assassins on motorcycles, and the Camorra—the most ruthless of Italian organized criminal organizations.

Praise for the Roma Series


“A provocative thriller with a riveting and surprising plot.”

—M.J. Rose, International bestselling author

“…the strong, captivating heroine and an allure of conspiracy and organized crime make this novel an undoubted success.”

—Kirkus Book Reviews

En route to a secret meeting, Aldo Giurlani—the regional commissioner of Lombardy in northern Italy and a specialist on organized crime—is assassinated in the middle of a public square.

More mysterious is the package sent to Giurlani’s hand-picked team of investigators within the Guardia di Finanza (GdF), the Italian law enforcement agency that investigates illegal financial transactions, from money laundering to drug trafficking. Within the package are five copies of a book entitled Man of Smoke.

Bianca’s tenuous online contact with a mysterious online contact known as Loki, who delivers a cryptic message to her, takes on a new twist with the appearance of a brilliant young obsessive-compulsive man who joins her team.

Complicating matters even further, old enemies and, more problematically, Alabaster’s former employer—Rendition, a murky covert U.S. government agency that does more than just investigate financial crimes—still have grudges to bear against her.

As new mysteries unfold, Bianca’s group quickly discovers that Naples might just be the most dangerous city in Italy.

Readers looking for a suspenseful thriller with mysterious twists and turns will discover Gabriel Valjan’s TURNING TO STONE the perfect read for this summer.

About the Author: Gabriel Valjan lives in New England. Ronan Bennett short-listed him for the 2010 Fish Short Story Prize for his Boston noir, Back in the Day. His short stories and poetry have appeared in literary journals and online magazines.

Contact Info:  Media professionals wishing to review TURNING TO STONE or interview / spotlight Gabriel Valjan, should contact GK Zachary 845-493-0468 or email him

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