“Our commitment to providing quality services to our users lets us keep upgrading the flipbook maker,” said Fermi Huang, Chief Engineer of FlipBuilder, “Flipbooks made with Flip PDF Plus Pro will enable viewers to have the same enjoyment as flipping and viewing a traditional book.”
As the world moves toward digitalization necessitated, industries across the spectrum will try to build toward a future of using digital content to display products or services. Flip PDF Plus Pro is suitable for those with little budget to create digital publications. This powerful flipbook maker offers various display styles, versatile design elements, and easy publishing, which are great features.
Various Display Styles: The lifelike flipping effects and sound in digital flipbooks may not be novel now. Still, their growing significance has led to greater opportunities for businesses that want to showcase products/services interactively and immersively. Besides this, the flipbook maker allows them to choose and design a unique publication layout from 10+ built-in templates, backgrounds, and scenes. Additionally, tables of content can be added to the flip book using Flip PDF Plus Pro. Viewers are able to quickly locate what they desire in a few simple clicks.
Versatile Design Elements: This flipbook maker also offers users an effortless approach to combining multimedia and trigger actions into digital flipbooks. For example, images, explainer videos, GIFs, background music, animations, and characters are essential to showcase the content engagingly and in detail. Viewers can learn more as well as enjoy an immersed reading experience. Also, users are allowed to add click-to-go links, emails, and phones to the virtual flipbook, helping keep in touch with viewers and attract leads.
Easy Publishing: After registering a hosting account on the FlipBuilder website, users will get five free hosting quotas and begin to host their publications using the Hosting Add-on Service in Flip PDF Plus Pro. Easily share the flippable book with customers and prospects via the auto-generated link and QR code. No technical or coding barriers. The viewers can view the publication using any device, anytime.
To learn more about the flipbook maker, please visit FlipBuilder.
About FlipBuilder Software Co., Ltd.
FlipBuilder is an innovative and professional digital publishing platform, providing the best solution to convert static PDF files into wonderful online flipbooks. From design to delivery, we focus on simplicity in use and power in function. Unlike traditional printed publications based on paper, you can create an online elegant digital magazine within several steps.