Digital customers of today believe in smooth and fast purchasing experience otherwise they move on to the next provider. Companies sometimes find it difficult to understand what they should be doing in order to retain those customers. The experts from leading flip book maker, PUB HTML5, have released 5 effectively proven tips for their clients to guide them in making their selling process better and effective than others.
· Place customer experience as priority #1 and add actual value for them: Customer is what runs one’s business so make sure that the customer has a better experience with you than others and that they get something which actually adds to the value for them.
· Allow easy discovery of inventory: Customers look for fast processing. Make sure that the products are accessible for them in not more than a couple of clicks. Making the process lengthy will result in customer losing its interest in it.
· Product catalog should be mobile friendly: Use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly, so most of the customers will be using mobile devices to access one’s products and catalogs. So make sure that the catalogs are mobile friendly so that maximum customers can view them even from their mobile devices.
· Capture and retain customer’s eyes within 10 seconds: First impression is the last impression. Make sure to make the landing page and appearance more eye catching and engaging because if they don’t like it in 10 seconds, they are not going to like it at all.
· Simplify and speed the path to purchase: It’s better to keep the process simple. If a customer decides to buy something, make sure they are at the billing in just a click or so. More time means customers losing its patience and changing the decision.
The flip book maker has made sure that their experience in the field could be used to guide people in carrying out a killer selling process. With these released tips, they intend to do so.
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Anna R. Jarvis
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PubHTML5 is one of the leading technology provider of HTML5 digital publishing software solutions. Its digital publishing software allows users around the world to convert any printed material into a unique digital publication. Besides, it can help to enrich the content with multimedia.