Frequently asked questions about PRUnderground’s social media press release distribution
Why is PRUnderground less expensive than other press release services?
We focus on getting your release into Google News, published to 200+ syndicated news sites, and to social media (X), and we charge a fair and reasonable price for that service ($74.99/press release).
What are typical results from sending a press release on PRUnderground?
1) Your release will be sent and typically found on Google News within 30 minutes of distribution for keyword strings (3-4 words) in your headline (this is up to Google News, but most releases make it).
2) Your release will be posted to X where it can be liked and retweeted
3) Each release is also published on 200+ regional news sites including, FOX40, Financial Content, and many more. (See Syndication List)
4) You will have a newsroom page that can have company info, a link to your website, links to your social media accounts, and a list of the press releases you sent on PRUnderground.
What are additional results from the US National distribution on PRUnderground?
All the same results as above plus inclusion on Yahoo Finance, as well as, Marketwatch and Street Insider, with 100+ various other sites and blogs. You will also get a nice report on the additional pickup. Contact us to see a sample report.
How long does my press release stay on and the news sites?
Press releases are visible on permanently. The news sites we distribute to host the press releases at their discretion. The TV websites typically host the press releases for 60 days, while some websites host them indefinitely.
How long does it take for my release to appear online?
After you submit your press release to PRunderground, it will take us less than 10 hours to approve, publish and distribute. Often this is less than an hour during normal business hours (9-17 PDT Mon-Fri). Please make sure to provide us with a working email you use so we can contact you in case your press release needs minor edits. Please note that if you choose a US National plan, it takes 3-4 hours for our media partners to approve your press release.
Why aren’t all of the 200+ news sites that picked up my press release showing when I search for my press release in Google?
If all 200+ showed in Google search results, Google would be a miserable experience of duplicate content for a searcher. Instead, Google generally selects 1-2 pickups of your press release to show in search results for keywords from your headline.
How will I be billed?
You can pay via credit card or PayPal. BASIC Plan and US National distributions are billed one time for one press release, and GOLD (up to 3 releases per month) and PREMIUM (up to 6 releases per month) are billed every month until you cancel. Payment is made to Blackwood Group Inc, which runs
I am a current client on a monthly plan. How do I cancel?
You can cancel for the following month at any time. You can do it through the PayPal Merchant Services email or by contacting us
Are there any restrictions on what can be included in a press release?
We can not accept press releases about offensive, objectionable, or illegal subject matter or content that promotes hatred, violence, prejudice, terrorism or anything we deem that the majority of the public would feel is unethical. Releases must be in written in the first person (not third person) in English and in the proper press release format. For more information, please read our TOS.
Also, if you selected the US National Distribution, it goes out to the PRNewswire network. They may restrict other topic areas.
Does PRUnderground replace a publicist/PR firm/PR outreach?
No! Press releases on should be part of a larger Marketing/PR/SEO effort. The most likely way to get the press to write a story about your business is to contact them directly yourself, or better yet, through a publicist who has connections to writers and editors.
Are links in my press release nofollow?
Yes, we try to follow Google’s guidelines with press release links and send them out as ‘nofollow’.
Should I send out my press release on multiple press release services?
If you send out your press release on multiple press release services at the same time you MUST at least change the headline and the first paragraph so it is not duplicate content. It may not be picked up by Google News if the exact same release has already been distributed on another press release site.
Can I add video to my social media press release?
Absolutely, PRunderground includes free embedded videos from YouTube and it will display on the sidebar of your press release on Just make sure the video is first loaded on YouTube. When filling out the press release form just add the URL in the appropriate field. It’s that simple.
Will my press release appear in Google News?
Most of the time. PRunderground press releases are picked up by Google News on a daily basis via Digital Journal and PRunderground. However, it’s up to Google to actually include it (which they do 90% of the time – when they do not it is usually because the release was published on another service, or it is too short/long, fragmented with bullet lists, prohibited content or too generic).
Will my social media press release appear on social media networks such as X?
PRunderground allows you to make revisions to the press release on our site before it is distributed and you can change minor typos on the PRUnderground site and a part of our distribution network even after your press release has been published. Please note that we charge $15 for any changes. HOWEVER, if you have selected the US National distribution and need to make changes, please let us know immediately. Note that your press release can NOT be changed on the syndicated network of sites once it has been distributed. For a US National, it is possible to make changes ONLY on and there is a $99 fee associated.
Can I delete or recall a press release after it has been published?
Once it is published it is very difficult if not impossible to have a press release deleted from everywhere it was published. We do not control the external news sites. PLEASE make sure it is correct and you have the rights to issue it BEFORE you submit it. If you do need to have it deleted here are some thing to consider. To have it removed from our core BASIC/GOLD/PREMIUM distribution networks we can submit a removal request for a $15 fee. To have it removed also from the Verticals network it is a $50 fee. To have it removed from the site there is a $99 fee. We are unable to request removal from other sites in the US National/PRNewswire network. We are also unable to remove it from random other websites that may pick it up. PLEASE ensure your press release is ready for publication before submitting it.
What happens if I trash an already published press release?
Trashing an already published press release will only remove it from PRUnderground site. It will still stay on 200+ websites from our Syndication List. To have your press release removed, please contact us immediately.
Will distribution of my press release guarantee media coverage or sales?
Your press release will be sent to our syndication network. But we can not guarantee sales or additional media coverage. We just distribute your news, which is all about writing an eye-catching, quality, headline and press release. Make sure you also submit it to all of your personal social network accounts. The more compelling your title, the better the chances of your release going viral. For press story coverage, we highly suggest that you do direct personal outreach to writers and editors yourself or through a good publicist.
How do I report a potential copyright violation?
We take reports of copyright infringement very seriously. Please report the potential infringement to with your full name and contact information, the URL where the potential infringement occurred, a description of what copyright may have been infringed upon, and a written or electronic signature and statement from the copyright holder. We will remove all valid take-down requests.