
EYES INC of NJ Honored by Visit from the US Secretary of Labor, Mark Walsh

On Thursday, August 18, 2022, EYES INC A NEW JERSEY NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION (EYES INC of NJ) hosted Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, and the New Jersey Labor Commissioner, Robert Asaro-Angelo for a roundtable event at its Fairfield, NJ office. The roundtable focused on the extraordinary work EYES INC of NJ is doing with homeless veterans across New Jersey under its initiative Maximizing Opportunities for Veterans to Employment and Success (MOVES), funded jointly by the U.S. Veterans Employment and Training and the U.S. Department of Labor, under the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP). The MOVES initiative works to reduce the number of homeless veterans, with or without families, to secure stabilization by providing comprehensive opportunities for vocational training, job placement services, and referrals to housing services. MOVES is the only such program funded by the USDOL in New Jersey, providing much-needed support services to veterans and their families across 11 counties in New Jersey.

“The MOVES program, funded proudly by the Department of Labor, is a critical example of how federal investments can help shape the livelihoods and career pathways of our veterans,” said Secretary Walsh. “I look forward to working with Representative Sherrill to ensure workforce training and career connection programs like MOVES continue to support the communities that need it most.”

“None of the work we do is more impactful than providing our armed services veterans with the training and support they need to transition to sustaining careers. Governor Murphy’s vision for a stronger, fairer economy starts with the women and men who answered the call to serve our country,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “I’m humbled by the opportunity to hear first-hand from our local heroes how we are serving their needs and what more we can do to help ensure they thrive in the workplace.”

“Our mission at EYES INC of NJ is to ‘Motivate…Empower…Educate for Success.’ And our philosophy is to lead and serve with ‘empathy, compassion, and understanding.’ This includes our Veterans and all the other populations we continue to serve. We welcome Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh and are excited to highlight all the great work MOVES has accomplished over the past year within the veteran community by placing at-risk and/or homeless veterans in vocational training and preparing them to enter the workforce,” said Dr. Croix-Ronald Coppáge, CEO of EYES INC of NJ.

To learn more about MOVES and EYES INC of NJ, please visit or call 315.OUR VETS.


Gloria Derteano


1.833.9 EYESNJ (1.833.939.3765) s/b


The mission of EYES INC OF NJ is to fortify the health, education, social welfare, and safety of disadvantaged and underserved populations throughout New Jersey.

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Name: Gloria Derteano
Phone: 1.833.9 EYESNJ (1.833.939.3765)