ExpertQuote (EQ), a Bay Area boutique benefits broker, has recently released a guide with the latest testing information available for employers as they navigate their return to work strategy. The document contains guidance on:
- Two different types of tests
- Insurance companies and the options available for their customers
- Free testing sites through California Counties
- Private solutions available
Raj Singh, C.O.O. of ExpertQuote, said: “Every single company is wrestling with the challenge of providing a return to work strategy that does not compromise employee safety and preserves business continuity. Along with their goodwill intentions, employers should revisit their OSHA responsibilities, including the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 and Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. Employers should establish, implement and maintain an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and update it periodically to keep employees safe. We strongly encourage employers to review the mandates here. There are myriad of piecemeal, ad hoc solutions with no clear roadmap or decision tree structures of best next steps. This is the reason we created this guide, to provide our valued clients with options and guidance.”
Information about tests is changing often. Please note we are presenting what we know as of August 17, 2020. Testing continues to be a significant hurdle in the management of the COVID-19 disease. Testing is difficult to obtain and availability of testing is limited and will continue to be a problem over the next few weeks at minimum. There are also significant delays in reporting of results that will continue to occur. The California Department of Health issued new guidelines that prioritize testing as follows:
1. Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 symptoms
2. All others with COVID-19 symptoms, as well as asymptomatic individuals in high-risk situations
3. Front line workers
I. What types of tests are available and what is the best test?
A. Diagnostic testing for COVID-19 detects an infected individual. Diagnostic testing is done by collecting fluid from your nose, throat, or lungs. If the test shows positive, the person should isolate immediately and inform their primary care provider. Positive results are reported to the appropriate county.
B. Antibody testing checks for antibodies in your blood from a prior infection. A positive test may not indicate a current infection, and it doesn’t mean a person is protected from COVID-19 in the future. Research has indicated that an employee testing positive for antibodies can exhibit no symptoms or become fully infected days after testing. It will be difficult for an employer to plan around such outcomes.
For further information about antibody testing, please refer to the following article published by Click here.
Please see the CDC for more information on types of testing here.
II. Are tests covered by the insurance company? Yes. When prescribed by a medical professional for an individual either showing symptoms of COVID-19 or who has been exposed to COVID-19, insurance companies are covering testing. The insurance carriers are also prioritizing testing to ensure those people with the highest risk of infection are quickly identified, including first responders and essential workers.
III. How can employees get tested by the insurance company? To receive a diagnostic test for COVID-19, an employee must contact their medical provider and see if they meet testing guidelines. Also, CVS is offering COVID-19 testing at no cost through most insurance plans. Click here to find out more:
IV. Free testing solutions by County services: Visit
This website is serving as a bridge to medical care access, especially in these uncertain times, providing resources and support. This complimentary resource was created in order to provide ongoing support to our valued clients and our community. EQ created this dedicated website ( wherein the following information is posted and updated daily:
• Carrier updates and telemedicine information
• Local and government resources, links and FAQs
• Guides and best practices
• Webinar from our ERISA attorney
• Employee communications materials
• Mental health resources
About ExpertQuote
ExpertQuote (EQ) offers an unrivaled quantitative analysis on a proven benefit strategy that has and will save their clients over $120M+, 18%+ annually on benefits expenditures. EQ’s strategies result in ecstatic employees plus providing an employer with competitive hiring and retention advantages.
EQ offers a complimentary Benefits Benchmark & Opportunity Analysis (BBOA). Performance guarantee: If EQ cannot illustrate significant savings and benefits improvement, we will not engage in the business. Most brokers propagate lofty future promises. EQ is obsessively determined to move the needle and earn your business from day one. If your company is not working with a relentless broker-team fiercely navigating an industry under a state of massive product and policy disruption, EQ can boldly state “Your firm is overpaying, and your company is underserved.”