
EPC Recommends Albuquerque Rail Yard Master Plan for City Approval

Full article here:

On December 12th, the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) recommended that the Albuquerque Rail Yards Master Plan move to the City Council for review and adoption, with unanimous recommendation of approval.

Next steps are for the plan to move to the Land Use, Planning and Zoning (LUPZ) subcommittee of the City Council before moving on to the full City Council.  The City is currently negotiating a Master Development and Disposition Agreement (MDDA) with the developer.  On-site development will not begin until the plan is adopted and the MDDA are approved by the City Council.

“We expect that the City Council will approve the plan in mid spring.  We’re looking forward to moving ahead on it,” says Jim Trump of Samitaur Constructs, the firm charged with developing the Master Plan in collaboration with the City.  The plan is scheduled to be heard in early spring, at which time the public will again be invited to provide comments.

For more information on the Albuquerque Rail Yards Project contact Deborah Nason, Public Information Officer for the City of Albuquerque Planning Department at 505-924-3911 or   Full article here:

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