Going to university is a fantastic experience, allowing you to open your eyes to a host of new experiences while also obtaining qualifications which could be the next step on your career path. If you are keen to broaden your horizons through the power of education, why not discover the opportunities available at GSM London?
By studying with GSM London, you will enrol on any one of a raft of career-focused university degrees which provide the skills and attributes modern day employers are on the lookout for. They also offer small class sizes, allowing you to benefit from better interaction with your lecturer so you can obtain vital knowledge to help you in your working life.
If you were unsuccessful in getting into your favoured university, the GSM London Clearing system could offer you the perfect solution, with places on courses such as oil and gas management, accounting and finance, travel and tourism still available. With registration numbers reducing every day, those interested are being urged to call 0208 516 7850 as soon as possible; many of the courses are ready to begin later this month, making it all the more important to confirm your place as soon as you can.
With GSM London, you not only get the benefits of earning a fantastic qualification, but also the chance to experience the lifestyle and the atmosphere of the capital – considered by many to be among the finest cities in the world.
About GSM London
GSM London is an independent School of Higher Education with two campuses in London. We specialise in study programmes leading to qualifications in business management, finance & accounting, law, travel & tourism, IT, HR, health services management and cognate areas, as well as awards of various professional bodies.