
Emotional Abuse An Epidemic Not Just For The NFL But For All Of America, Says Expert Amy Bear

The New York Times again reported yesterday on its front page stories of NFL players physically abusing their wives, and how other NFL wives and the NFL turned a cold shoulder when the victims of domestic violence called the police and asked for help.

Physical abuse always begins with emotional abuse and emotional abuse often escalates to physical attacks,” says Amy Lewis Bear, LPC, NCC, the author of FROM CHARM TO HARM: The Guide to Spotting, Naming and Stopping Emotional Abuse in Intimate Relationships. As a licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and National Certified Counselor (NCC), she has treated hundreds of women in abusive relationships.

John Gray, PhD, the phenomenal #1 bestselling author of Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and who is also considered by many to be “the #1 relationship author of all time” says “Amy has written an important book that explains what happens when men and women play out their childhood wounds with their intimate partners. She puts words to the many and varied ways people hurt themselves and others as a result. Her book is a valuable tool for those involved in emotionally abusive relationships.”

An expert in emotional abuse and relationship issues, Amy Lewis Bear can discuss:

·      How women get involved in emotionally abusive relationships

·      Why people abuse their partners

·      Why people stay in abusive relationships

·      How victims are affected by their abuse

·      How victims of abuse can be helped or heal

·      Whether or not abusive partners can reform and have a healthy relationship with their spouses.
Emotional abuse in intimate relationships is a hidden epidemic in America and much of the world. Unlike physical abuse, there is no evidence of the bullying that occurs between an abusive partner and his or her victim.

The emotional scars, although deep, are not visible to an outsider. Social, religious, and financial pressures often force the victim to stay silent. In many cases, a victim’s shame compels him or her to conspire with the abuser to present a united front of “happy couple” when they are with friends, family, or in public.

The damage is severe and cumulative. The price of refusing help or staying in an emotionally abusive relationship is the rejection of self, a loss of identity, limited and superficial relationships, and deteriorating health. The psychological development of children in emotionally abusive families is adversely affected. In other words, emotional abuse destroys almost everything that makes life worthwhile.

Like any other social malady, exposure and confrontation is the key to eradication. Raising awareness of emotional abuse and how to overcome it breaks down the barrier to recognition and treatment.

Psychotherapist and author Amy Lewis Bear has written FROM CHARM TO HARM and traveled around the country on a mission to raise public awareness of emotional abuse.

Her new book is relevant to current news regarding Ray Rice’s assault on his fiancé resulting in his termination from the Baltimore Ravens and suspension from the National Football League and the other NFL stories of physical abuse that have come to light.

Media Contact Info:
Book reviewers / bloggers, journalists, and other media professionals wanting to review FROM CHARM TO HARM: The Guide to Spotting, Naming and Stopping Emotional Abuse in Intimate Relationships or to interview Amy Lewis Bear as an expert source on domestic violence and emotional abuse should contact GK Zachary 845-493-0468 or email him at

About Amy Lewis Bear

”In my psychotherapy practice,” says Amy Bear Lewis, ”many of my clients have come to me complaining of anxiety and depression. After questioning them, I discovered that, just like me in my early adulthood relationships, my clients didn’t realize they were in emotionally abusive relationships. Other clients realized that their partners were abusive because the behavior was more obvious, such as verbal abuse or physical battering.

I now devote my professional life to helping people heal from emotional abuse, whether it is with an intimate partner, parent, sibling, friend, work colleague, or any type of relationship. I welcome all people regardless of their culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, gender, or age (18 years of age or older).

When I’m not seeing clients, I work to raise public awareness about emotional abuse by writing, speaking to community groups, and making media appearances.

It gives me great satisfaction and fulfillment to help my clients gain the knowledge and power they need to improve their lives and relationships.”

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Name: GK Zachary
Phone: 845-493-0468