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DON’T SHOOT | A book about NOT becoming a photographer launches on Kickstarter

Industry: Art & Design

A snarky how-not-to book for photographers that includes all the bone-headed mistakes and ah-ha moments that are part of a career as a full time photographer.

Ventura, California (PRUnderground) October 12th, 2015

From S. Dirk Schafer, the photographer responsible for the snarky CLICKittyCAT web comic about photography comes his equally snarky first book DON’T SHOOT | 66 Reasons NOT to become a Professional Photographer now on AMAZON.


Schafer penned the book over the last several years to address his worry that today’s enthusiast photographers are mistaking their love of photography for their viability as working photographers. Written in the conversational style as 66 cautionary tales, the humorous book takes a self-deprecating look at many of Schafer’s ah-ha moments and bone-headed mistakes made in a lifetime as a portrait, editorial, studio, fine-art, corporate and stock photographer.

“It’s a book of real-world advice that fits in-between the how to set your camera books and the how to build your business books.” It asks the question, “Are you sure you’ll get paid to take pictures in an age where everyone has a camera in their pocket?” “

Though written as a humorous guide for aspiring photographers, the book has also been popular with many of Schafer’s peers, established photographers who read review copies as he was compiling the stories. The 66 topics all feature quotes from famous artists and photographers as diverse as Dorothea Lange, Samuel Becket, Zack Arias, Weegee, Susan Sontag and even Goethe, Mr. Rogers and Yoda, but Schafer is quick to mention that Don’t Shoot is not a book for everyone. 

“Empowerment isn’t my thing. Don’t Shoot isn’t for the person that thinks photography’s easy because it doesn’t have “ten steps to success.” It’s not a RAH! RAH! You-can-do-it! book – and the sarcasm isn’t everyone’s cup of tea either.

But … if you want an inside view of what it takes to be successful in the business of commercial photography, I think Don’t Shoot can help guide you through the long and treacherous transition from amateur to pro, and you might get a few laughs in along the way.”

DON’T SHOOT | 66 Reasons NOT to become a Professional Photographer launched on Kickstarter on September 22nd and was 125% funded on October 22.

Details: Author S. Dirk Schafer | Editor: Paul Shigley | Designer: Sherry Schafer | Pages:160 | No photos | ISBN# 978-0-923707-3-5 | Hardcover 1st Edition printed in the USA

About S. Dirk Schafer

Mr. Schafer has been a full time photographer in Ventura, California since 1987. His career started with portraits and evolved into one of the most successful commercial photography studios in the area. His projects and teaching have taken him around the world for Fortune 500 clients, national magazines and universities. He now specializes in architectural photography and draws his CLICKittyCAT.comic almost daily.

Sample pages of the book are posted on Schafer’s book website www.66reasons.com and PDF review copies and photos of the book are available to the press by contacting Schafer at dirk@west.net

The hardcover Kickstarted First Edition book is available for purchase at AMAZON

About www.66reasons.com

66reasons.com is the headquarters for the book DON’T SHOOT | 66 Reasons NOT to become a Professional Photographer on Kickstarter.

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