
Donations for Data: RainKing customers improve sales data by helping favorite charities

RainKing is proud to announce a unique new research and data gathering method called “Donations for Data.”   Each time a customer submits an improvement or alerts RainKing to a data correction or change, the company donates a dollar to a charity the customer chooses. Donations for Data is part of RainKing’s highly innovative 3.0 interface that is drawing raves and turning heads in the sales data industry.

“This is a huge win-win for everyone – for us, our customers and the beneficiaries of these great charties,” says RainKing CEO Bill Kapner. “It’s also a really cool way to capture the power of what we call ‘customer sourcing’.”

As the concept gains traction with the fast-growing RainKing customer base of more than 10,000 sales and marketing professionals, more money will get funnelled to charities. RainKing expects the program to generate several thousand dollars in donations every month.

About RainKing Solutions

RainKing is the leading provider of sales data to the technology and marketing industries. RainKing provides rich sales intelligence on a fast-growing database of several hundred thousand technology and marketing buyers at the biggest spending enterprises in North America and Europe. RainKing also provides nearly 500 brand new spending initiatives published every business day. Customers access RainKing through a simple SaaS application. We integrate seamlessly with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Marketo and Eloqua.

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Name: Bill Kapner
Phone: 301-792-5395