Prepare for a suspenseful journey through the high-stakes world of ambition and integrity in the highly anticipated short film, Bad Deals. Premiering on October 12, 2024 at , this thrilling narrative follows Joy, an aspiring artist whose vibrant spirit and relentless drive illuminate the struggles of her family.
As Joy navigates the tumultuous landscape of the entertainment industry, she faces a series of daunting decisions that could either elevate her career or compromise her values. Just as she stands on the brink of a breakthrough, Joy is presented with an irresistible opportunity—one that promises fame and fortune but comes with a morally ambiguous price tag.
“Bad Deals” delves deep into the central conflict of Joy’s life: will she risk her principles and the safety of her loved ones for a chance at her dreams? This film offers a gripping exploration of the delicate balance between aspiration and integrity, urging viewers to question how far they would go to achieve success.
“Joy’s journey is a powerful reminder of the challenges artists face in the entertainment industry,” says Taz Garcia, the film’s director. “We wanted to shed light on the often unseen pressures that can lead to difficult choices, and to encourage audiences to reflect on their own paths to success.”
Join us for the premiere screening of “Bad Deals” on October 12, 2024
The Novel South Capitol : 2 I St. SE DC | Screening 5 PM to 10 PM
Event Includes: World Premiere of the highly anticipated film “Bad Deals” | D.C Screening of the StreamDMV Original “Gimme The Loot” Performances by Sabea Darling, Kimia, Blazeo, Mr. Coleman and Raff Alpha | Small Bites | Cast Meet and Greet | Live DJ | Cash Bar
Following the film, there will be a Q&A session with the cast and crew, offering a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the film’s themes and the creative process behind it.
About the Film: Genre: Suspense Thriller
Director: Taz Garcia
Starring: Sabea Agard, Dr. Shenetta Malkia, Asim Amin
Executive Producer: Dr. Shenetta Malkia-Sapp Ph.D
Runtime: 24 min.
For press inquiries, interviews, or screening details, please contact Dr. Shenetta Malkia,
Join us as we explore the shadows of ambition and the price of dreams in “Bad Deals”—where every choice could be the right one… or the worst.
Follow us on IG :baddeals_film
Fun facts about the executive producer Dr. Shenetta Malkia: Dr. Malkia is the former Ms. Maryland 2024. International Ms. DC 2026 and your International Ms. USA 2021. Dr. Malkia is also the CEO and Broker of The PMs of the City a full service property management, asset management and project management firm serving Maryland , DC, VA and GA. learn more at